
impairment是什么意思 impairment在线翻译 impairment什么意思 impairment的意思 impairment的翻译 impairment的解释 impairment的发音 impairment的同义词

impairment [ɪmˈpeəmənt]  [ɪmˈpermənt] 


impairment 基本解释


impairment 网络解释

1. 损伤:1、世界卫生组织(WHO)根据不同的残疾对人的( )和社会功能影响的不同情况,把残疾分为三类:损伤(Impairment)、能力缺失(Disablility)和残障(Handicap). 2、下列关于世界卫生组织(WHO)根据不同的残疾对人的生理功能和社会功能影响的不同情况,

2. impairment是什么意思

2. 残损:因此,虽然有关残损(Impairment)数据、病理过程得到较多反映、临床上也较适用,但它在很大程度上. 并不能反映功能后果(Outcome)的改善. 3、不同患者或不同疾病. 不仅在偏瘫、截瘫、脑瘫、四肢瘫等康复临床与护理方面取得进展,

3. impairment

3. 减值:由于英国赌场业务的非有形资产减值(impairment)亏损,云顶新加坡(Genting Singapore)第一季净亏损大增,从去年同期的3187万元增加到3亿9628万元. 集团第一季的营收其实从1亿零537万元增长到4亿6040万元,这是因为圣淘沙名胜世界(Resorts World Sentosa)开始营业,

impairment 词典解释

1. 损害;损伤;障碍
    If someone has an impairment, they have a condition which prevents their eyes, ears, or brain from working properly.

    e.g. He has a visual impairment in the right eye.

impairment 单语例句


1. Loan impairment charges in the US personal financial services business, consumer finance business and cards business had declined.

2. Eating cocoa flavanols daily may help improve mild cognitive impairment, said a new research published this week in the American Heart Association's journal Hypertension.

3. Even patients without cognitive impairment found it more difficult to handle daily activities compared to control subjects with no stroke.

4. Difficulty identifying odors also was associated with a higher risk of progressing from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's.

5. A surge in unpaid consumer loans forced the bank to increase impairment provisions, it said in a statement.

6. The gains in its core business were partially offset as Wing Hang booked a HK $ 45 million impairment loss on loans.

7. They covered his eyes with a towel to avoid vision impairment from the daylight, and gave him an injection of glucose.

8. After four more years, they tested to see if anyone in the study had cognitive impairment or dementia.

9. Scientists gave 144 people with mild impairment either a low or high dose of the drug or a dummy drug for 12 weeks.

10. That provides further evidence of dyslexia's strong link to phonological impairment.


impairment 英英释义



1. the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)

    Synonym: stultificationconstipationdeadening

2. damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality

3. the occurrence of a change for the worse

    Synonym: damageharm

4. the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness

    e.g. reading disability
           hearing impairment

    Synonym: disabilitydisablementhandicap

5. a symptom of reduced quality or strength

    Synonym: deterioration

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