
implant是什么意思 implant在线翻译 implant什么意思 implant的意思 implant的翻译 implant的解释 implant的发音 implant的同义词 implant的反义词

implant [ɪmˈplɑ:nt]  [ɪmˈplænt] 


implant 基本解释

名词[医]移植物,植入管; 移植的组织

及物动词移植; 灌输; 植入,插入

不及物动词(受精卵)着床; 被移植

implant 网络解释

1. 移植:这里的医生是Broken Hills医生的老师,有能力帮你进行装甲移植(Implant)的手术,商店里的货色也很齐全,是个不可多得的好地方*此地的重点包括:中国城的的Dragon与Lo Pan武术馆、兄弟会、医院、两家商店.

2. implant的近义词

2. 注入:罗门哈斯电子材料公司与IBM公司日前签署了联合开发协议,共同开发电路图案成形(patterning)材料和工艺,为32纳米及其以下节点的注入(implant)提供支持. 这份协议的重点是开发合作,为高级技术节点开发全面的注入解决方案.

3. 植入物:鉴于游戏中你能使用的植入物(implant)装备等级是由耐力决定的,建议角色最好有16的耐力,高级植入物会带来许多好处的. 智力:决定技能点数的数量,对大量技能提供修正. 对于剧情型玩家相当重要,这点我以后会说明. 智慧:决定原力点数,

implant 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ɪm'plɑːnt, -'plænt/. The noun is pronounced /'ɪmplɑːnt, -plænt/. 动词读作 /ɪm'plɑːnt, -'plænt/,名词读作/'ɪmplɑːnt, -plænt/。

1. 移植;植入
    To implant something into a person's body means to put it there, usually by means of a medical operation.

    e.g. Doctors in Arizona say they have implanted an artificial heart into a 46-year-old woman...
           亚利桑那州的医生称他们已经把一颗人造心脏移植到一名 46 岁妇女的体内。
    e.g. Two days later, they implanted the fertilized eggs back inside me.

The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.

2. 植入物
    An implant is something that is implanted into a person's body.

    e.g. A woman can choose to have breast implants.

3. (受精卵或胚胎)着床
    When an egg or embryo implants in the womb, it becomes established there and can then develop.

    e.g. Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilised eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time.

...the 11 days required to allow for normal implantation of a fertilized egg.
受精卵正常着床所需要的 11 天

4. 灌输;注入;使接受
    If you implant an idea or attitude in people, you make it become accepted or believed.


    e.g. The speech implanted a dangerous prejudice in their minds...
    e.g. Gregory's father had implanted in him an ambition to obtain an education...

implant 单语例句

1. Researchers in Sweden studied patients who had cataract surgery to implant clear intraocular lenses.

2. In early 2009, Zhang Mingyue was diagnosed with having profound hearing loss and a cochlea implant was prescribed.

3. Her daughter had an operation on Aug 5 to put a cochlea implant in, paid for by the program.

4. They did a documentary movie about him and he had a cochlear implant.

5. The concert is sponsored by Australian implant firm Cochlear, which has contributed much to China's hearing rehabilitation progress.

6. It has called for the end of PIP implant sales and for the start of recipient data collection.

7. " Without doing any harm to the eye we can implant a jewel in the conjunctiva, " Melles said.

8. Scientists said the creation of the glowing pups shows it will be possible to implant genes related to human diseases into dogs for research purposes.

9. A recent study of Danish women followed for up to 30 years found no evidence of a higher risk of any cancer among implant recipients.

10. This initiative was created to promote how simple dental care and implant technology could improve the " Quality of Life " of Chinese residents.

implant 英英释义


1. a prosthesis placed permanently in tissue


1. put firmly in the mind

    e.g. Plant a thought in the students' minds

    Synonym: plant

2. become attached to and embedded in the uterus

    e.g. The egg fertilized in vitro implanted in the uterus of the birth mother with no further complications

3. fix or set securely or deeply

    e.g. He planted a knee in the back of his opponent
           The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum

    Synonym: engraftembedimbedplant

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