
improper是什么意思 improper在线翻译 improper什么意思 improper的意思 improper的翻译 improper的解释 improper的发音 improper的同义词

improper [ɪmˈprɒpə(r)]  [ɪmˈprɑ:pə(r)] 

improper 基本解释

形容词不合适的,非正常的; 不正确的; 不正派的,不合礼仪的; 不道德的

improper 同义词

improper 反义词


improper 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Short trousers are improper at a dance.

2. improper的翻译

2. That is an improper usage of the word.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Sports clothes are improper for wearing in church.

improper 网络解释

1. improper的解释

1. 不恰当:保证市场公平是与投资者保护紧密联系在一起的,尤其体现在:(1)防止不恰当(improper)交易,如市场操纵、内部人交易等;(2)保证投资者公平地获得进人市场的渠道和市场或价格信息?

2. 不正当:后者侧重侦查机关之鼓动、唆使(instigation)行为,即警察之权力是否正当使用,是否以不正当(improper)、过度(excessive)方法引诱不准备不情愿犯罪之人犯罪.

3. 不适当:如在英国,滥用自由裁量权即指不适当(improper)或不合理(irreasonable )地行使自由裁量权,(注:(英)n.斯蒂文森著<<宪法与行政法>>, 高家伟译<<对行政行为的司法审查:越权无效>>,<<研究生法学>>1995年第1期,第63-64页.

improper 词典解释

1. 不正当的;非法的
    Improper activities are illegal or dishonest.

    e.g. 25 officers were investigated following allegations of improper conduct during the murder inquiry...
           25 名警察在被指控于调查谋杀案期间有非法行为之后受到调查。
    e.g. Mr Matthews maintained that he had done nothing improper.

I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.

2. 不合适的;不适当的
    Improper conditions or methods of treatment are not suitable or good enough for a particular purpose.

    e.g. The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.

The study confirmed many reports that doctors were improperly trained...
He had become infected with Aids from an improperly sterilised needle.

3. 不成体统的;不得体的
    If you describe someone's behaviour as improper, you mean that it is rude or shocking.

    e.g. He would never be improper, he is always the perfect gentleman.

Fundamentalist groups have attacked women they regarded as improperly dressed.

improper 单语例句

1. Whenever he found something improper, he would immediately call up a guitarist or other musicians to perfect it.

2. It can issue warnings to listed candidate sites - or delete them - when damage is attributed to improper management or protection.

3. Vieira's improper conduct charge related to him failing to leave the field of play immediately following his red card.

4. Only when the proof for the improper means of the actor to infringe upon the trade secret is obtained can a case be further investigated.

5. Fascism is the worst ever disaster brought about by these improper ways of catharsis.

6. The attorney said it is improper for the Center to investigate its own staff.

7. Investigators suspected the fire was caused by a short circuit during improper operation.

8. The indictment alleges the four used improper means to obtain commercial secrets from Chinese steelmakers.

9. The court verdict said that from 2003 to 2009, the four used improper means to acquire commercial secrets from Chinese steel companies.

10. Shanxi is the country's top coal producer and accidents caused by the improper manufacture, use and storage of explosives for mining are common.

improper 英英释义



1. not appropriate for a purpose or occasion

    e.g. said all the wrong things

    Synonym: wrong

2. not suitable or right or appropriate

    e.g. slightly improper to dine alone with a married man
           improper medication
           improper attire for the golf course

3. not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention

    e.g. an unconventional marriage
           improper banking practices

    Synonym: unconventionalunlawful

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