
in and out是什么意思 in and out在线翻译 in and out什么意思 in and out的意思 in and out的翻译 in and out的解释 in and out的发音 in and out的同义词

in and out [in ænd aut]  [ɪn ənd aʊt] 

in and out 基本解释


进进出出; 曲曲弯弯; 一来一往

in and out 相关例句


1. Try calling back later, the boss will be in and out today.

in and out 网络解释

1. in and out在线翻译

1. <<亮相前后>:1997年:<<亮相前后>>(In and Out)霍华德.布莱克特是名衣着整洁、彬彬有礼的乡镇中学英语教师,平时喜欢听芭芭拉.史翠珊的歌,并即将与同事艾米丽结婚. 多年前的一名学生在奥斯卡领奖发言中,抖露说布莱克特是同性恋,

2. 新郎向後跑:电影<<新娘不是我>>(My Best Friend's Wedding),茱莉亚罗勃兹因为惧怕婚姻束缚而成为爱情逃兵;而<<新郎向后跑>>(In and Out)的卡文克莱,因为婚姻而更明了自己所要的将来.

3. in and out的反义词

3. 进进出出:be in for 参加(竞赛、考试等) | in and out 进进出出 | be inferior to (质量等)比...差

4. 进出:ifs and buts假设和转折 | in and out进出 | whole and all全体

in and out 单语例句

1. English is the language of international business and learning it here from a native speaker is in demand and beneficial to Chinese enterprises " going out ".

2. In business operations, we seek harmony in and out of our company to promote healthy and continual development.

3. Aubrey Huff singled with one out in the ninth and took third when Buster Posey singled for his fourth hit of the game.

4. He was knocked out by James'Buster'Douglas in 1990 and lost his world heavyweight title.

5. Scientists have successfully carried out eight experiments on animals in Henan Province and are now busy conducting related studies prior to clinical application.

6. He pointed out that China is a country that operates under the rule of law and its judicial organs act in accordance with the law.

7. Super Geezer laughs at the mountain and grinds out his cigarette butt in its face.

8. Han said bringing financing into liquor trading allows buyers to track the market of listed companies and know when to buy in or sell out.

9. Chinese businesses could also buy out overseas companies, in developed and developing countries.

10. Rental yield in China is low, and does not justify buying a house to rent it out.

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