
in short是什么意思 in short在线翻译 in short什么意思 in short的意思 in short的翻译 in short的解释 in short的发音 in short的同义词

in short [in ʃɔ:t]  [ɪn ʃɔrt] 

in short 基本解释

简而言之,总之; 一句话; 简言之

in short的意思

in short 网络解释

1. 总的来说:各国的狂欢节都颇具特色,但总的来说(in short),都是以无节制的纵酒饮乐著称. 其中最负盛名的要数巴西(Brazil)的狂欢节. 狂欢节不仅给巴西人带来了欢乐,并吸引了众多游客,促进了旅游业,刺激了经济,已成为巴西人生活中不可缺少的一项重要内容,

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 简言之:We are all for cutting down the cost of production. 我們都贊成降低生產成本. (贊成) | in short 簡言之 | in other words 換言之

3. 总之,总而言之:in shape 处于良好(或固有)状态 | in short 总之,总而言之 | in sight 被见到,看得见;在望

in short 单语例句


1. He fell short of labelling the action " illegal " in an interview with Xinhua News Agency.

2. But a single action was not enough to reinvigorate China, nor could China awaken in a short period of time.

3. The annual holiday in May was cut short to three days last year, with the other four spread throughout the calendar for other traditional festivals.

4. During a short status hearing in federal court in Denver Bryant's attorney Pamela Mackey said the defense planned to call up to 125 witnesses.

5. But in her speech in New York, she planned to stop short of formally suspending or ending her campaign.

6. Gasoline was still in short supply and panic buying of canned goods emptied several stores in Baguio city.

7. The oldest and best wine region in South Africa is around Stellenbosch, a short drive from Cape Town on the country's southern coast.

8. Niu predicted that China's environmental problems would worsen in the short term but could taper off once the GDP per capita found its equilibrium.

9. " The reality is that Tasmania is resource rich but short on capital, " she said in a statement on Monday.

10. While they increased liquidity and improved the US'domestic credit structure in the short run, they have offered more opportunity for speculative capital to maneuver.

in short 英英释义


1. in a concise manner
    in a few words

    e.g. the history is summed up concisely in this book
           she replied briefly
           briefly, we have a problem
           to put it shortly

    Synonym: conciselybrieflyshortlyin brief

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