
incautious是什么意思 incautious在线翻译 incautious什么意思 incautious的意思 incautious的翻译 incautious的解释 incautious的发音 incautious的同义词

incautious [ɪnˈkɔ:ʃəs]  [ɪnˈkɔʃəs] 

incautious 基本解释


incautious 网络解释

1. 不谨慎的:incaution 不小心 | incautious 不谨慎的 | incautiously 鲁莽地

2. 不小心的/轻率的/不注意的:incaution /不小心/粗心大意/ | incautious /不小心的/轻率的/不注意的/ | incautiously /不小心地/

3. 不小心的, 不注意的, 轻率的 (形):incaution 不小心; 粗心大意 (名) | incautious 不小心的, 不注意的, 轻率的 (形) | incautiously 鲁莽地 (副)

incautious 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. For if a question is absurd in itself and calls for an answer where none is required, it not only brings shame on the propounder of the question, but may betray an incautious listener into absurd answers, thus presenting, as the ancients said, the B83 ludicrous spectacle of one man milking a he-goat and the other holding a sieve underneath.

2. incautious

2. A dark and mysterious figure has been pushing incautious

3. incautious

3. There is therefore no possibility of gerbilling due to incautious acceleration; but it could still happen when you try to brake.

4. This container, as a result of stevedores incautious handling, slipped off the sling and dropped down onto the wharf, then squeezed between the ship side and the wharf wall, and finally fell into the water.

5. This container, as a result of stevedores incautious handling, slipped off the sling and dropped down onto the wharf, then squeeze d between the ship side and the wharf wall, and finally fell into the water.

6. YOu shouldn't be such incautious.

7. You were incautious yourself, why did you blame the others

8. incautious

8. Their incautious use can lead to wholly misleading results.

9. She looked round for Gerald, fearing he might be already there, he was incautious and eager.

10. You should remove your incautious style.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. At the forefront of their marketing strategies could herald huge problems for incautious optimisers.
      站在他们的营销策略将预示着巨大的问题不谨慎optimisers 。

12. Boss found some incautious faults in your proposal, pls be more careful and cautious.

13. But after becoming bat can't carry on an attack and absorb blood, defendoofing the dint would also the nasty play descend, so incautious words would more easy the dead drop.

14. An incautious step sent her headlong down the stairs.

15. In case you think I was incautious, take a look at the map.

16. incautious的近义词

16. However, his logic is imprecise, incautious, and inattentive.

17. incautious的解释

17. In the euphoria of the time, incautious lenders lent borrowers the rope with which the latter could hang themselves, be they irresponsible governments (as in Greece) or foolish private entities (as in Ireland and Spain).

18. Illness usually finds its way in by the unhealthy food and drink, and disaster usually finds its way in by the incautious words.

19. Those were slow, silent, often turbid; flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares.

incautious 词典解释

1. 不谨慎的;粗心大意的;轻率的
    If you say that someone is incautious, you are criticizing them because they do or say something without thinking or planning.


    e.g. In case you think I was incautious, take a look at the map.

Incautiously, Crook had asked where she was.

incautious 英英释义


1. carelessly failing to exercise proper caution

    e.g. an incautious step sent her headlong down the stairs

2. lacking in caution

    e.g. an incautious remark
           incautious talk

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