
incident是什么意思 incident在线翻译 incident什么意思 incident的意思 incident的翻译 incident的解释 incident的发音 incident的同义词

incident [ˈɪnsɪdənt]  [ ˈɪnsɪdənt] 


incident 基本解释

名词事件,事变; 小插曲; 敌对行动; 骚乱

形容词[法]附带的; [光]入射的; 易有的,附随的

incident 网络解释

1. 意外; 事故:以上5项指标也有部分适用于意外事故(incident)或偶发事故(accident),其间差异在于影响范围的大小,及损坏的程度. 灾难的小区性与毁灭性远大于单一的疏失造成的意外事故或偶发事件. 人的求助行为(help-seeking behavior)因当事人对问题的经验与界定,

2. 入射:理由是DFB雷射跟光子晶体LD,它的入射(Incident)和衍射(Diffracted)的光是受限制的. 但是相对光子晶体的入射光角度和衍射光角度是不受限制的. 所以并不是利用特定的周期或波长来加强效率,这个特性对于LED来说是非常重要的(图三).

incident 词典解释

1. 事件;事故
    An incident is something that happens, often something that is unpleasant.


    e.g. These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between the two nations...
    e.g. 26 people have been killed in a dramatic shooting incident...
           已有 26 人在一起恶性枪击事件中被打死。

incident 单语例句

1. Unfortunately for a Shanghai store that sold pirated luxury handbags, the incident brought so much attention they were busted for selling fake goods.

2. The incident caused panic buying of bottled water in Liuzhou city at the lower reaches of the river over the past few days.

3. Speculation that the incident was an act of terrorism arose shortly after the explosion, which spilled oil along 45 miles of coastline.

4. Officials insisted Wednesday night it was still too early to tell whether the incident was an attempted act of terrorism or a giant misunderstanding.

5. The incident of last weekend was certainly not the first act of violence in Dutch sports.

6. The warning signs painted in red were one of the measures taken by the local authority in handling the aftermath of the incident.

7. No further disciplinary action is expected following the FA's investigation of the alleged tunnel incident, although both clubs have been invited to attend a peace meeting.

8. The three terminals at the busy airport were shut down for six hours after a bystander who witnessed the incident reported it to TSA officials.

9. CAAC attributed the incident largely to some pilots of CEA's Yunnan branch, saying they had ignored the passengers'interests and disrupted the flights on purpose.

10. It was the first such incident for the cable car system that opened 30 years ago.

incident 英英释义



1. a single distinct event

2. a public disturbance

    e.g. the police investigated an incident at the bus station



1. (sometimes followed by `to') minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or consequence

    e.g. incidental expenses
           the road will bring other incidental advantages
           extra duties incidental to the job
           labor problems incidental to a rapid expansion
           confusion incidental to a quick change

    Synonym: incidental

2. falling or striking of light rays on something

    e.g. incident light

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