
inclination是什么意思 inclination在线翻译 inclination什么意思 inclination的意思 inclination的翻译 inclination的解释 inclination的发音

inclination [ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn]  [ˌɪn.klɪˈneɪ.ʃən] 


inclination 基本解释

名词倾向; 爱好; 斜坡

inclination 相关例句


1. He had an inclination to talk.

2. He has an inclination to become fat.

3. inclination是什么意思

3. I have no inclination to be a doctor.

4. inclination

4. She showed no inclination to staying.

5. inclination什么意思

5. He gave an inclination of the head.

inclination 网络解释

1. inclination的翻译

1. 倾斜:岩层的倾斜(Inclination)与走向(Strike)构造之不连续(Discontinuity of Structures)或突然中断. 断层崖(Fault Scarp)或断崖(图14-22)地形. 此为证明断层发生之最直接证据,然此种证据不易获得.

2. 倾角:通过采用切屑刃倾角(Inclination)和较大的刀面角,提高了刀片的锋利度. 刀片有32种型号. 刀柄有镗孔(Bore)和钻头(Shank)两种款式,均备有50~125mm及32~80mm直径的产品. 设置的材质适于加工钢材、铸件、不锈钢及耐热合金等.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 倾斜度:倾斜度(Inclination) 指包含被测要素的圆柱的直径或两个平面之间的最小距离,该平面或圆柱与基准倾斜规定的角度.

inclination 词典解释

1. 意向;倾向;爱好
    An inclination is a feeling that makes you want to act in a particular way.

    e.g. He had neither the time nor the inclination to think of other things...
    e.g. She showed no inclination to go...

inclination 单语例句

1. The delicious caviar and a piece of canape display a hedonistic inclination.

2. When it is considered chic to wear charms or read palms, those with no such inclination would be under huge peer pressure to " convert ".

3. With the Russians not showing much inclination to break sweat on a cold Madrid night, the home team scored two more goals.

4. The official said it was his impression the president showed no inclination to override the advice of his senior military staff on the decision.

5. Critics laugh at the temporarily frozen sum as a " pittance ", the forfeiture of which is little deterrent to someone with an inclination to cut corners.

6. The brain's inclination to distort time is one reason we so often feel we have too little of it.

7. The inclination left part of the tanker suspended in the air and the truck unable to move forward or in reverse.

8. The elder Bush wanted lower interest rates and challenged Greenspan's inclination to raise them because of inflation risks.

9. Indifference gives an impression of haughtiness, an inclination to isolate oneself from others.

10. That is, our natural inclination to encourage and support each other.

inclination 英英释义


1. the act of inclining
    bending forward

    e.g. an inclination of his head indicated his agreement

    Synonym: inclining

2. a characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character or effect

    e.g. the alkaline inclination of the local waters
           fabric with a tendency to shrink

    Synonym: tendency

3. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical

    e.g. the tower had a pronounced tilt
           the ship developed a list to starboard
           he walked with a heavy inclination to the right

    Synonym: tiltlistleanleaning

4. an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others

    e.g. he had an inclination to give up too easily
           a tendency to be too strict

    Synonym: dispositiontendency

5. that toward which you are inclined to feel a liking

    e.g. her inclination is for classical music

6. (geometry) the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line (measured counterclockwise from the positive half of the x-axis)

    Synonym: angle of inclination

7. (astronomy) the angle between the plane of the orbit and the plane of the ecliptic stated in degrees

    Synonym: inclination of an orbit

8. (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon

    Synonym: dipangle of dipmagnetic dipmagnetic inclination

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