
incline是什么意思 incline在线翻译 incline什么意思 incline的意思 incline的翻译 incline的解释 incline的发音 incline的同义词 incline的反义词

incline [ɪnˈklaɪn]  [ɪnˈklaɪn] 


incline 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使)倾斜,弄斜; (使)偏向,倾向于; (使)认为; 点(头)(以示同意、打招呼等)

名词倾斜; 斜面; 斜坡; 坡度

incline 同义词

incline 反义词


incline 相关例句


1. I am inclined to believe that he is really opposed to the plan.

2. The news inclined me to anger.


1. What he said inclines me to think that he will agree to our plan.

2. The road inclines to the left.

incline 网络解释

1. incline的近义词

1. 倾斜:该塔开始建造时是直立的,但建到第三层时,由于地基打得不深,上层强度低,塔身开始倾斜(incline),工程遂中止. 94年后,又重新继续施工,并加强了一系列防倾斜措施. 但全塔建成后,塔顶中心点还是偏离垂直中心线. 目前,

2. 倾向:inclinationillusion倾斜错觉 | incline倾向 | inclusionneed合群需求

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 倾,倾斜; 倾向,性近,爱好:incite 鼓动,引起 | incline 倾,倾斜; 倾向,性近,爱好 | include 包含,包括

4. 有......倾向:hope希望 | incline有......倾向 | intend想要

incline 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ɪn'klaɪn/. The noun is pronounced /'ɪnklaɪn/. 动词读作 /ɪn'klaɪn/,名词读作 /'ɪnklaɪn/。

1. (使)倾向;(使)趋向
    If you incline to think or act in a particular way, or if something inclines you to it, you are likely to think or act in that way.

    e.g. I incline to the view that he is right.
    e.g. ...the factors which incline us towards particular beliefs...

2. 点(头)
    If you incline your head, you bend your neck so that your head is leaning forward.

    e.g. Jack inclined his head very slightly.

3. 斜坡;斜面
    An incline is land that slopes at an angle.


    e.g. He came to a halt at the edge of a steep incline.

incline 单语例句

1. As the gradient of its slopes debatably reaches a three degree incline, imagination is a prerequisite for this adventure.

2. The precipices swoop from an elevation of 380m to 880m at an average incline of 30 degrees.

3. There's not even so much as a gradual incline and riders can coast from one end of the city to another with any extra exertion.

4. In a rapidly developing society, readers are expected to incline toward pragmatism and utilitarianism.

5. Many sidewalks also incline toward the street just enough to make the wheelchair veer off.

6. More and more foreigners incline to receive Chinese medical treatment when they are caught in illness.

7. An ascending step partitions the floor and continues on an incline to the back wall.

8. The first wave of such actions may incline to favor more educated people, who may be prone to settle in permanently.

incline 英英释义


1. an inclined surface connecting two levels

    Synonym: ramp

2. an elevated geological formation

    e.g. he climbed the steep slope
           the house was built on the side of a mountain

    Synonym: slopeside


1. make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief

    e.g. Their language inclines us to believe them

    Synonym: dispose

2. feel favorably disposed or willing

    e.g. She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs

3. be at an angle

    e.g. The terrain sloped down

    Synonym: slopepitch

4. lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow

    e.g. She inclined her head to the student

5. bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well

    e.g. He inclined his ear to the wise old man

6. have a tendency or disposition to do or be something
    be inclined

    e.g. She tends to be nervous before her lectures
           These dresses run small
           He inclined to corpulence

    Synonym: tendbe givenleanrun

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