
incursion是什么意思 incursion在线翻译 incursion什么意思 incursion的意思 incursion的翻译 incursion的解释 incursion的发音 incursion的同义词

incursion [ɪnˈkɜ:ʃn]  [ɪnˈkɜ:rʒn] 


incursion 基本解释

名词侵入; 袭击; 侵犯; (河水等)流入

incursion 相关例句


1. Dikes protected the lowland from incursions of the sea.

incursion 网络解释

1. 入侵:任务39 入侵(Incursion) 由于哥巴将军手中拥有携带核子弹头的远程弹道导弹(SCUD),问题变得更加棘手,无论如何需要搞到控制密码之类的情报,为此盖斯托夫斯基少校只身来到哥巴将军住处附近.

2. 进入,入侵,袭击:incur 陷於,惹起 | incursion 进入,入侵,袭击 | intercouse 交际,交通,灵交,(思想,感情等)交流

3. 袭击:incurrent 向内流的 | incursion 袭击 | incursionary 侵略的

4. 侵入:incleasing precision 一層厳密に | incursion 侵入 | indefinite 不確定

incursion 词典解释

1. 袭击;侵犯;侵入
    If there is an incursion into a country, enemy soldiers suddenly enter it.


    e.g. ...armed incursions into border areas by rebel forces.

2. 涌入;侵入;传入
    If someone or something enters an area where you would not expect them to be, or where they have not been found before, you can call this an incursion, especially when you disapprove of their presence.

    e.g. Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways.
    e.g. ...her disastrous incursion into the property market.

incursion 单语例句

1. The incident comes amid mounting speculation over a possible Turkish troop incursion into Kurdish northern Iraq to crush Turkish Kurd rebels hiding there.

2. Colombia has apologized to Ecuador for crossing the border but said the incursion was necessary because its troops came under fire from inside the country.

3. But the incursion scared many of the city's Arab and Turkomen residents, who thought it was a thinly veiled attempt to encircle the city with Kurdish forces.

4. The north is one of the few relatively calm Iraqi regions, and the US fears an incursion by its ally Turkey could worsen the Iraq war.

5. The incursion comes amid heightened tensions over accusations that Venezuela helped a guerrilla army fighting the government in US ally Colombia.

6. Erdogan said yesterday that securing permission for a major attack against rebels in northern Iraq did not necessarily mean a military incursion was imminent.

7. Russia later expressed regret for the violation, calling it an unintentional incursion.

8. Washington blamed Hamas for the incursion and urged the Palestinian militant group to free an Israeli soldier whose capture provoked the assault.

9. That operation was followed by an incursion by ground forces, who spotted a group of Kurdish rebels preparing to cross into Turkey.

10. BAGHDAD - The Iraqi government on Tuesday denounced a recent Turkish incursion and demanded an immediate withdrawal of the troops from northern Iraq.


incursion 英英释义


1. the act of entering some territory or domain (often in large numbers)

    e.g. the incursion of television into the American living room

2. the mistake of incurring liability or blame

3. an attack that penetrates into enemy territory

    Synonym: penetration

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