
indecent是什么意思 indecent在线翻译 indecent什么意思 indecent的意思 indecent的翻译 indecent的解释 indecent的发音 indecent的同义词

indecent [ɪnˈdi:snt]  [ɪnˈdisənt] 

indecent 基本解释


形容词粗鄙的,猥亵的; 不适当的,不合适的; 不礼貌的; 不得体的

indecent 反义词


indecent 相关例句


1. He left the party with indecent haste.

2. indecent的意思

2. It was indecent of them to talk business at the funeral.

indecent 网络解释

1. 下流的:按纽省法律的相关条款,制造和传播儿童色情制品最高会面临十年监禁,保存儿童色情材料则最高面临五年监禁;另外还有条款规定,发表下流的(indecent)文章或物品,最高会面临十二个月的监禁.

2. 不雅:粗鄙不雅相反地,有些具有色情性质的信息或言论,本质上可能仅属于粗鄙不雅(indecent)的色情

3. 不妥的;不检点的:inconceivable 不可思议的 | indecent 不妥的;不检点的 | indifferent 冷漠的

4. indecent在线翻译

4. 下流的, 猥亵的, <口>不象样的, 不妥当的:vertical ramp 发射台 | indecent 下流的, 猥亵的, <口>不象样的, 不妥当的 | escadrille 飞行小队, 小舰队

indecent 词典解释

1. 下流的;有伤风化的;猥亵的
    If you describe something as indecent, you mean that it is shocking and offensive, usually because it relates to sex or nakedness.

    e.g. He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent suggestion.

He behaved indecently.
...an indecently short skirt.

2. (速度或数量)不合常规的,离谱的
    If you describe the speed or amount of something as indecent, you are indicating, often in a humorous way, that it is much quicker or larger than is usual or desirable.

    e.g. The opposition says the legislation was drafted with indecent haste.

...an indecently large office.

indecent 单语例句

1. " Neither video showed Lin had committed an indecent act against the child, " Luo said.

2. Former Justice Minister Haim Ramon lost his job this year and was convicted of an indecent act for forcibly kissing a female soldier.

3. Of the men polled, 11 said they had experienced indecent assaults such as rubbing of the buttocks.

4. They have been charged with offenses including possession of child pornography, supplying child pornography and the indecent recording of a child.

5. Owner Clarence Judy was charged with violating Iowa's public indecent exposure law.

6. Lee was convicted of one count of criminal intimidation, one count of publishing an indecent article and one count of publishing an obscene article.

7. The indecent acts include wrongfully creating sexually explicit photographs of herself and disobeying an order given by a noncommissioned officer.

8. Chan's criminal record can be traced back three decades ago, when he was sent to a detention center for indecent assault.

9. Those who disagree with the punishment argue that civic education is the best way to correct people's indecent behavior.

10. That indecent behavior by drunken officials makes news is a sign that the general public expect better of those in public office.

indecent 英英释义



1. offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters

    e.g. an earthy but not indecent story
           an indecent gesture

2. offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance

    e.g. a bathing suit considered indecent by local standards

3. not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society

    e.g. was buried with indecent haste
           indecorous behavior
           language unbecoming to a lady
           unseemly to use profanity
           moved to curb their untoward ribaldry

    Synonym: indecorousunbecominguncomelyunseemlyuntoward

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