
indecisive是什么意思 indecisive在线翻译 indecisive什么意思 indecisive的意思 indecisive的翻译 indecisive的解释 indecisive的发音 indecisive的同义词

indecisive [ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv]  [ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv] 

indecisive 基本解释

形容词优柔寡断的; 犹豫不决的; 非决定性的; 不明确的,模糊的

indecisive 反义词


indecisive 相关例句


1. There are no indecisive boundaries between the two opinions.

indecisive 网络解释

1. 犹豫不决:第二个是把工作人员整合到一起,作决策要靠非正式的会面,总统的决策很是犹豫不决(indecisive). 决策圈越来越小,是个人性(personal)的. 第三个是二战后成立的国家安全委员会. 第四个是蒙代尔在任期内做的三件主要的事情:1.全球战略,

2. 左右为难(<<夏日香气>>主题曲):01 Sorry,I Love You 对不起,我爱你 <<对下起,我爱你>>主题曲 | 02 Indecisive 左右为难 <<夏日香气>>主题曲 | 03 From Now On 从现在开始 <<冬季恋歌>>主题曲

3. indecisive

3. 左右为难 - 蔡淳佳 (经典韩剧夏日香气主题曲):02 Indecisive 左右为难 - 蔡淳佳 (经典韩剧夏日香气主题曲) | 03 From Now On 从开始到现在 (经典韩剧冬季恋歌主题曲) | 04 Destiny 命运 (经典韩剧浪漫满屋主题曲)

4. 左右为难(<<夏日香气>>主题曲)蔡淳佳演绎:14 Sorry,I Love You 对不起,我爱你(<<对不起,我爱你>>主题曲)蔡淳佳演绎 5:16 | 15 Indecisive 左右为难(<<夏日香气>>主题曲)蔡淳佳演绎 3:46 | CD 十指恋 情动首尔

indecisive 词典解释

1. 优柔寡断的;无决断力的;迟疑不决的
    If you say that someone is indecisive, you mean that they find it very difficult to make decisions.

    e.g. Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room...
    e.g. He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.

The mayor was criticized by radical reformers for his indecisiveness.

2. 不明确的;非结论性的
    An indecisive result in a contest or election is one which is not clear or definite.

    e.g. An indecisive result would force a second round of voting...
    e.g. The outcome of the battle was indecisive.

indecisive 单语例句

1. Kerry also readied a sharp response to attacks from Cheney and other Republicans that he was indecisive and unfit to be commander in chief.

2. Bush portrayed his opponent as indecisive and suffering from " election amnesia " with conflicting stands on Iraq.

3. While the government was seen as indecisive, the military took charge of rescue and relief efforts.

4. All of her friends advised her to take the money and get divorced, but she is still indecisive on the price of selling a husband.

5. But a more important reason is that local government is indecisive in enforcement and hesitates between different interests.

6. The indecisive can turn to the ready and friendly staff for help in deciding.

7. The restaurant provides small, medium and large plates - perfect for indecisive diners.

8. I have a young friend, who like me can be very indecisive in buying something.

9. He called Kerry indecisive and argued that Iraq was part of a global battle against terror.

10. His approval ratings have plummeted over the bungling of handling the Marine Air Station Futenma, reinforcing his public image as an indecisive leader.

indecisive 英英释义


1. not definitely settling something

    e.g. a long and indecisive war

2. characterized by lack of decision and firmness

    e.g. an indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill

3. not clearly defined

    e.g. indecisive boundaries running through mountains

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