
indicator是什么意思 indicator在线翻译 indicator什么意思 indicator的意思 indicator的翻译 indicator的解释 indicator的发音 indicator的同义词

indicator [ˈɪndɪkeɪtə(r)]  [ˈɪndɪˌketɚ] 


indicator 基本解释

名词指示器; [化]指示剂; 指示者

indicator 相关例句


1. The foreign minister's visit can be taken as one more indicator that the relationships between the two countries are improving.

indicator 网络解释

1. 指示器:当使用new获得一个指向一片内存的指针时,在该片内存前有一个指示器(indicator)至于为什么C++中未内建垃圾收集器(Garbage Collection)的原因,

2. 指示剂:指示剂 指示剂(Indicator)是能由某些物质存在的影响而改变自己颜色的物质. 主要用于容量分析中指示滴定的终点. 一般可分为酸碱指示剂、氧化还原指示剂、吸附指示剂等. 指示剂除分析外,也可用来检验气体或溶液中某些有害有毒物质的存在.

3. indicator的翻译

3. 指示符:内容标识符(content designator):用于识别数据元素,或提供有关数据元素的附加信息的符号或编码,内容标识符包括字段标识(Tag), 指示符(Indicator)和子字段标识符(Sub-field identifier).

indicator 词典解释

1. 指示物;指标
    An indicator is a measurement or value which gives you an idea of what something is like.

    e.g. ...vital economic indicators, such as inflation, growth and the trade gap...
    e.g. The number of wells is a fair indicator of the demand for water.

2. (汽车上的)转向指示灯,转向灯
    A car's indicators are the flashing lights that tell you when it is going to turn left or right.


in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 turn signals

indicator 单语例句

1. Some economists said China should reform its CPI calculation system, which they called outdated and misleading if used as an indicator for policy making.

2. It's what we call a prima donna indicator rather than a robust analysis tool.

3. PetroChina said in a statement that its public offering will bring renewed energy to domestic capital markets and also provide an important investment indicator.

4. Contract sales are recorded when buyers sign contracts to purchase apartments, and are usually a good indicator of what actual sales will look like months later.

5. Employment in the civil service today is an indicator of how the society is thinking.

6. This is a clear indicator that dismal economic times are not completely over.

7. A clear indicator of this positive trend is the larger participation of the European Chamber in major Chinese events.

8. But Li feels that the China Rich List is only a reflection of what has happened and not a clear indicator of the future.

9. The plane dumped fuel in the ocean and changed course after a cockpit indicator showed a problem with a power source.

10. The IPEA used an indicator similar to the Gini coefficient, an index to measure wealth imbalance.

indicator 英英释义


1. a device for showing the operating condition of some system

2. a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts
    can reveal relative changes as a function of time

    Synonym: indexindex numberindicant

3. a signal for attracting attention

4. (chemistry) a substance that changes color to indicate the presence of some ion or substance
    can be used to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction or (in medicine) to test for a particular reaction

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