
inexhaustible是什么意思 inexhaustible在线翻译 inexhaustible什么意思 inexhaustible的意思 inexhaustible的翻译 inexhaustible的解释 inexhaustible的发音

inexhaustible [ˌɪnɪgˈzɔ:stəbl]  [ˌɪnɪɡˈzɔstəbəl] 

inexhaustible 基本解释


inexhaustible 同义词



inexhaustible 反义词


inexhaustible 相关例句


1. The people living beside the river have an inexhaustible supply of water.

inexhaustible 网络解释

1. 取之不尽的:indispensable 不可或缺的 | inexhaustible 取之不尽的 | infectious 传染性的

2. 无穷无尽的:inexhaustibility 无穷尽不知疲倦 | inexhaustible 无穷无尽的 | inexhaustibly 无穷尽地

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 用不完的,无穷尽的:5.result from 是--的结果,由于--而发生 | 6.inexhaustible 用不完的,无穷尽的 | 7.municipal 市政的,市办的

4. 无穷无尽 無窮無盡:无所不知 無所不知 omniscient,know it all | 无穷无尽 無窮無盡 inexhaustible | 无可名状 無可名狀 nondescript

inexhaustible 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Rich marine resources are an inexhaustible treasure of Phoenix Island.

2. inexhaustible

2. There is no complete inventory of resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible.

3. I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible.

4. Onward to the dead sea they tramp to drink, unslaked and with horrible gulpings, the salt somnolent inexhaustible flood.

5. I like looking into the eyes of puppies even if just for a moment. They make me forget the fears of the world and a waken in me a kind of inexhaustible love. Such love cannot feel sadness.

6. I like looking into the eyes of puppies even if just for a moment. They make me forget the fears of the world and awaken in me a kind of inexhaustible love. Such love cannot feel sadness.

7. You will fondle admiringly and taste its exquisite charm, gently beautiful curve and inexhaustible reverie fully.

8. The sounds of people vehicle sound starts to disappear and to pass, silent struggles has the emotion slave, is I how thinks her, but I have to inexhaustible sigh say!

9. inexhaustible

9. The latter discloses to him that once the dragon mouth of the Nine Dragon Hill is cut open, an inexhaustible supply of cool and fresh water will come gushing out

10. The latter discloses to him that once the dragon mouth of the Nine Dragon Hill is cut open, an inexhaustible supply of cool and fresh water will come gush ing out

11. The source seems visional, far, senseless and smell-less but it is inexhaustible power to supply all things.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. The source seems visional, far, senseless and smell-less, but it is inexhaustible power to supply all things.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. Enterprise culture is the soul of business, it is the inexhaustible power to promote business development.

14. Innovation is the soul of corporate culture, and an inexhaustible power to drive our enterprise forward.

15. inexhaustible的解释

15. Educational Innovation is the soul of a nation, and the inexhaustible power for the prosperity of a country.

16. The innovation is the soul of national progress and prosperity of the country inexhaustible power.

17. Innovation is the soul of the development of a nation, and the inexhaustible power for a country's development.

18. inexhaustible的翻译

18. We believe firmly in the inexhaustible creative power of the masses.

19. Innovation is an inexhaustible power source of social progress and in fact mankind has a glorious history of continuous innovation.

20. Water is the source of life, and also an inexhaustible driving force to the development of human society.

inexhaustible 词典解释

1. 用不完的;无穷无尽的
    If there is an inexhaustible supply of something, there is so much of it that it cannot all be used up.

    e.g. She has an inexhaustible supply of enthusiasm...
    e.g. His energy was unbounded and his patience inexhaustible.

inexhaustible 单语例句

1. This united front is so solid that it possesses the resolute will and the inexhaustible capacity to defeat every enemy and overcome every difficulty.

2. The distinguishing feature of renewable energy is that it is inexhaustible and would be wasted if we do not exploit it.

3. Consumption based on a fair distribution of national wealth is another inexhaustible source of internal dynamism.

4. The poet's literary brilliance has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for generations of artists creating Divine Comedy illustrations.

5. He is 58, but Ying professes to have " inexhaustible strength ".

6. Ku calls her children " four little friends " and every word she speaks about them is evidence of her inexhaustible love.

7. The motivation of China's millions to pursue happiness and create wealth is an inexhaustible reservoir of drive for the country's modernization.

8. The trust and support that the whole nation gives to the government is for us an inexhaustible source of strength and confidence.

9. It is an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity of a country and the source of the eternal vitality of a political party.

10. His time in the military has since proved to be an inexhaustible source of inspiration for his creative work.

inexhaustible 英英释义



1. incapable of being entirely consumed or used up

    e.g. an inexhaustible supply of coal

2. that cannot be entirely consumed or used up

    e.g. an inexhaustible supply of coal

    Synonym: unlimited

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