
infantry是什么意思 infantry在线翻译 infantry什么意思 infantry的意思 infantry的翻译 infantry的解释 infantry的发音 infantry的同义词

infantry [ˈɪnfəntri]  [ˈɪnfəntri] 


infantry 基本解释

名词步兵; 步兵部队

infantry 相关例句


1. infantry什么意思

1. The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.

2. Infantry still plays an important part in war.

infantry 网络解释

1. 步兵:1860年,恩格斯给<<美国新百科全书>>写军事方面的词条,其中就有<<军队>>(Army)、<<炮兵>>(Artillery)、<<骑兵>>(Cavalry)、<<步兵>>(Infantry)和<<海军>>(Navy),见<<马克思恩格斯全集>>中文版第14卷(北京:人民出版社,1964年),所述甚详

2. infantry的翻译

2. 步兵(部队):支持多个玩家.战斗中可使用巨大机器人(giant robots),坦克(tanks),和步兵部队(infantry)在一张基于十六进制的地图上.LN2是一个日记处理框架.它基于模式匹配(pattern matching)的日记处理过程序.LN2在Log4J上进行松散地设计,

3. infantry

3. 步兵系:Infantry : 步兵系 | Artillery : 战车系 | Air Force : 空军系

4. 一般步兵:投雷兵,导弹兵:InfantryDestroyer | 一般步兵: Infantry | MoveToShroud 是否可以移动进未探索地区

infantry 词典解释

1. 步兵(部队)
    Infantry are soldiers who fight on foot rather than in tanks or on horses.

    e.g. The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge...
    e.g. The enemy infantry was hiding.

infantry 单语例句


1. The nonfiction work recounted the experiences of a US Army infantry battalion deployed to Baghdad as part of the 2007 surge.

2. Ships carrying equipment for a US infantry division are already at sea.

3. Their firepower in the hands of their infantry is more extensively used than our own.

4. The title refers to the number worn on the sleeves of the US first infantry division.

5. In true national spirit, he is still serving as an infantry officer in the Swiss Armed Forces.

6. He resided in the Building of the General in the infantry school.

7. The event yesterday attracted reporters from 60 media outlets to the army's Third Guard Division, a motorized infantry force that safeguards the nation's capital.

8. Marine infantry troops to its territories to enhance the protection around its embassy in Sudan following recent bloody protests in Khartoum.

9. The president also was to watch a demonstration of infantry training and meet privately with families who have lost loved ones.

10. Classic infantry ambushes draw withering American return fire, resulting in heavy insurgent losses.

infantry 英英释义


1. an army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot

    e.g. there came ten thousand horsemen and as many fully-armed foot

    Synonym: foot

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