
infertility是什么意思 infertility在线翻译 infertility什么意思 infertility的意思 infertility的翻译 infertility的解释 infertility的发音

infertility [ˌɪnfɜ:'tɪlətɪ]  [ˌɪnfɚˈtɪlɪti] 

infertility 基本解释

名词不育; 不肥沃,不毛

infertility 网络解释

1. 不育症:在排除了其他全身性疾病因素后,医生按世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的16类男性不育病因,诊断为男性不育特发性弱精子症. 世界卫生组织预测,在21世纪,不育症(infertility) 将成为人类仅次于肿瘤和心脑血管病的第三大疾病.

2. 不孕症:中文摘要: 1.研究背景 不孕症(Infertility)发病率约占育龄妇女的10~15%,是影响家庭乃至社会和谐与稳定的重要因素之一. 受孕成功的四大因素是:高质量的卵子和精子、通畅的输卵管....中文摘要: 目的:研究白血病抑制因子(LIF)在正常关节组织和不同程度骨性关节炎(OA)关节组织中的表达规律及临床相关性.

3. 不孕:根据台湾生殖医学会之定义,不孕(infertility)指的是有正常的性行为、且未使用任何避孕的方法,经过一年以上的时间而未能怀孕或使对方怀孕. 这样的定义有包含两种状况,一为:本身生理结构的缺陷或生理机能的障碍,

4. infertility的反义词

4. 不育:国内对不孕与不育名词的应用尚不统一,国际上有:不孕(sterility):没有受孕的能力,不能生育下一代;不育(infertility):未能生育下一代. 二者的区别是根本不能怀孕生育为不孕;能受孕而未能生育下一代为不育. 既往亦有分绝对不育,

infertility 单语例句

1. Some hospitals with gender specific names have become well known, thanks to ads on TV or in leaflets that promote infertility services.

2. The main causes of infertility are a low sperm count, the hereditary factors of the man or ovulation disorder and tubal factors of the woman.

3. At least 12 million people are suffering the consequences, ranging from drinking water shortages to cropland infertility.

4. At least 12 million people suffer the consequences, ranging from drinking water shortages to cropland infertility.

5. Medical institutions often use short films to advertize their treatments for diseases such as cancer, infertility and venereal disease.

6. For their clients it's infertility or some claim educated working women turning to hired wombs to avoid a pregnancy affecting careers.

7. Since then he has followed hundreds of expectant couples, documenting new technologies such as ultra sound and in vitro treatment for infertility.

8. Endometrial cancer is associated with late menopause or infertility, and the caffeine in tea can affect hormone levels.

9. Lu blames environmental pollution and factors such as illnesses and accidental injuries for male infertility problems.

10. Genes play an important role in sperm development, but the extent to which heredity contributes to male infertility is not clear.

infertility 英英释义


1. the state of being unable to produce offspring
    in a woman it is an inability to conceive
    in a man it is an inability to impregnate

    Synonym: sterility

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