
infestation是什么意思 infestation在线翻译 infestation什么意思 infestation的意思 infestation的翻译 infestation的解释 infestation的发音

infestation [ˌɪnfe'steɪʃn]  [ˌɪnfe'steɪʃn] 


infestation 基本解释


infestation 网络解释

1. 末日毒变:若您觉的下载资源<<末日毒变>>(Infestation)中有内容侵犯了您的正当权益请速与我们联系解决. 请勿将免费下载的电影用于商业用途,因此造成的任何责任与本站无关!

2. 横行:David Braben的Frontier Developments公司开发的<<横行>>(Infestation)就是这样一个例子,尽管它表面上看起来只是一般的战争游戏,但事实上这个游戏将动作游戏和策略游戏的元素结合得非常完美,使之成为了一个独一无二的全新类型.

3. 生产自杀炸弹兵:Burrowing,钻地 | Infestation,生产自杀炸弹兵 | Spawn Broodling,专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫,还会残留两双小虫

4. 侵扰:infertility 不孕的 | infestation 侵扰 | infiltrating cathartic 浸润性泻剂

infestation 单语例句

1. Some tried to grow mushrooms in the damp cave but were defeated by an infestation of rats.

2. Word spread after a TV crew discovered the rat infestation Friday morning and filmed it through a window of the Greenwich Village building.

3. Many housing estates and neighborhood committees in Guangzhou are looking for help battling a major rat infestation.

4. The provincial government has already sent chemistry and biology experts to the areas to control the infestation.

5. Dallas said he likely received the larval infestation while on a trip to Belize this summer.

6. She said the infestation was " coming from the building, " with " openings " that allowed the vermin to enter.

7. Why is rodent infestation getting worse and worse in spite of the government efforts?

8. The existing construction materials of these houses that remain useful have been treated against white ant infestation and rust.

9. Ascaris infestation can cause fatal intestinal, biliary tract or pancreatic duct obstruction.

10. The flames are feeding on millions of dead trees, weakened by drought and killed by a bark beetle infestation.


infestation 英英释义


1. a swarm of insects that attack plants

    e.g. a plague of grasshoppers

    Synonym: plague

2. the state of being invaded or overrun by parasites

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