
inflammatory是什么意思 inflammatory在线翻译 inflammatory什么意思 inflammatory的意思 inflammatory的翻译 inflammatory的解释 inflammatory的发音

inflammatory [ɪnˈflæmətri]  [ɪnˈflæmətɔ:ri] 

inflammatory 基本解释

形容词令人激动的; 有煽动性的; 炎性的,发炎的

inflammatory 网络解释

1. 发炎:此外,Yasukawa等人进行老鼠的动物实验中,证实经癌症促进剂12-o-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate(TPA)两阶段诱导引起发炎(inflammatory)的现象,可利用monascorubrin加以抑制肿瘤的发生.

2. 炎症:2)血胎屏障:由怀孕母体子宫内膜的基蜕膜和胎儿的绒毛膜滋养层细胞共同组成,当它发育成熟(一般在妊娠 3 个月)后,能阻挡病原微生物由母体通过胎盘感染胎儿,但并不妨碍母子间的物质交换.二,细胞因素三,体液因素四,炎症(inflammatory) 免疫应答的基本过程 免疫应答十分复杂,

3. 发炎反应:各组织1970-肝素( Heparin) 涂在人工皮肤上以防止血液沾黏、– 需有与患者的组织相容性抗原(HLA)相匹配的家庭成员间,如独生子 ,并且无移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)的发生构上的特 性(anatomical specificity)使软骨受到引发发炎反应(inflammatory)或缺乏修 的功能,

4. 炎性:胃肠道息肉从部位可分为:胃、十二指肠、小肠、结肠和直肠息肉;从形态上可分为:广基(sessile)和带蒂(pedunculated从组织学上可分为:腺瘤性(adenomatous)、炎性(inflammatory)或假性息肉(pseudo-adenoma)、胃肠道息肉从部位可分为:胃、十二指肠、小肠、结肠和直肠息肉;

inflammatory 词典解释

1. 使人激愤的;煽动性的
    If you accuse someone of saying or doing inflammatory things, you mean that what they say or do is likely to make people react very angrily.

    e.g. ...nationalist policies that are too drastic and inflammatory...
    e.g. She described his remarks as irresponsible, inflammatory and outrageous.

2. 炎症的;发炎的
    An inflammatory condition or disease is one in which the patient suffers from inflammation.

    e.g. ...the inflammatory reactions that occur in asthma.

inflammatory 单语例句

1. The inflammatory footage also showed Saddam plummeting through the gallows trapdoor and dangling in death.

2. Behaviors likely to be pinpointed are inflammatory preaching and publishing views which foster hatred or foment terrorism.

3. Ahmadinejad has faced criticism across Europe in the past for inflammatory remarks about Israel and statements questioning whether the Holocaust happened.

4. Stress can trigger an outbreak in patients suffering from inflammatory skin conditions.

5. Marcus worked on political campaigns before he came down in 2006 with sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease which caused clumps of cells to grow in his lungs.

6. It was not clear how much the tape's inflammatory message would resonate with ordinary Iraqis, who suffered under Saddam's brutal rule for decades.

7. Obama resigned from Trinity during the presidential campaign after inflammatory comments by Wright from the pulpit became a campaign issue.

8. And he hurled his most inflammatory comments at Islam, which he called a religion that teaches people to kill.

9. Instead of explaining what hospices do, the media quoted inflammatory rants from netizens.

10. Micro blog information is also mixed with fabricated stories, rumors and even intentional inflammatory information.

inflammatory 英英释义



1. characterized or caused by inflammation

    e.g. an inflammatory process
           an inflammatory response

2. arousing to action or rebellion

    Synonym: incendiaryincitiveinstigativerabble-rousingseditious

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