
infusion是什么意思 infusion在线翻译 infusion什么意思 infusion的意思 infusion的翻译 infusion的解释 infusion的发音 infusion的同义词

infusion [ɪnˈfju:ʒn]  [ɪnˈfjuʒən] 


infusion 基本解释

名词注入; 灌输; 泡制,浸渍; 注入物

infusion 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 注入:本章介绍数个教授思考技巧的计画,其方式大致分为两类:一是将思考(thinking)当成独立的课程教授;另一种则是采取注入(infusion)的方式,在现有的学科中加入思考训练.

2. 灌输:另有一些药物不能一次过以打针方法注入身体,必须在一段长期间逐少逐少地慢慢注入身体,故须用灌输(infusion)方式,利用仪器控制注入滴液的速度,将药物透过静脉输进体内.

3. infusion的近义词

3. 注射:以oxaliplatin合并fluorouracil+leucovorin静脉连续注射(infusion)的「FOLFOX疗程」是有效且相对安全的. 此疗程可被考虑为治疗进行性大肠直癌病患的标准疗法.

4. 输注:150公絲單次使用的小瓶含粉末狀的trastuzumab,溶解後供輸注(infusion)使用. 440公絲多次使用的小瓶含粉末狀的trastuzumab,溶解後供輸注(infusion)使用. 溶劑小瓶:含1.1%苯乙醇的注射用水(制菌注射用水).

infusion 词典解释

1. 输入;灌输
    If there is an infusion of one thing into another, the first thing is added to the other thing and makes it stronger or better.

    e.g. He brought a tremendous infusion of hope to the people.
    e.g. ...a series of capital infusions.

2. 浸剂;浸液
    An infusion is a liquid made by leaving herbs in hot water until the flavour is strong.


    e.g. ...a herbal infusion...
    e.g. This remedy contains infusions of five flowers.
           这个药方中包含了 5 种花的浸剂。

infusion 单语例句

1. The RLX active line was an explosion of color, with an infusion of bright oranges and lime greens.

2. MetLife said earlier that month it may be selected for a Treasury capital infusion.

3. Bear Stearns chairman and chief executive Jimmy Cayne reiterated that his company did not need a capital infusion.

4. Xinhua said that the bank is likely to get a $ 25 billion to $ 30 billion capital infusion in the first half of the year.

5. Its parent CIC has asked the State Council for a capital infusion in an effort to support the lenders'fundraising plans.

6. The latest capital infusion shows the authorities are well aware of the urgency of the matter.

7. A holding company named Central Huijin Corp was established to allow capital infusion into BOC and CCB.

8. A large infusion of capital could help Tianyu to compete with foreign businesses in a sector that demands huge investment in design and development.

9. The fund infusion is Capital Land's latest move in the capital market, after issuing 1 billion yuan worth of corporate bonds in September.

10. A mismatch between the infusion of credit and the actual deployment of funds earmarked for stimulus projects facilitated some degree of speculation in asset markets.

infusion 英英释义


1. the act of infusing or introducing a certain modifying element or quality

    e.g. the team's continued success is attributable to a steady infusion of new talent

2. (medicine) the passive introduction of a substance (a fluid or drug or electrolyte) into a vein or between tissues (as by gravitational force)

3. the process of extracting certain active properties (as a drug from a plant) by steeping or soaking (usually in water)

4. a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)

    Synonym: extract

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