
insects是什么意思 insects在线翻译 insects什么意思 insects的意思 insects的翻译 insects的解释 insects的发音 insects的同义词 insects的反义词

insects ['ɪnsekts]  ['ɪnsekts] 


insects 基本解释


昆虫( insect的名词复数 );虫类;

insects 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 昆虫:高效网(HEPA)汐止可 除99.97%直径大於0.3微米的微子.线的管制与进出必须遵守的除污(decontamination)步骤,避免交叉感染.对於隔vehicle)及病媒(vector)等方式传播而在作业场所造成扩散感染,同时该感染性物质虫(protozoa),昆虫(insects)及微生物产生之毒素

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 昆虫类:按照我们的通用规则,我们可以说昆虫类(insects)共享一个实现,鸟类(birds)共享一个实现,因此它们被保留为类. 与之相对,飞行生物有不同的装置用于实现飞行,食肉动物对吃掉动物有不同的策略,

3. 虫:即哺乳动物(mammals)、爬行动物(reptiles)、昆虫(insects)、鸟类(birds)及鱼类(fish). 在<<剑桥中学英语教程>>第五主题中有关于洞穴人(cavepeople)生活状况的描述,通过对远古生活与当代生活的强烈对比使学生更容易理解和明白社会的飞速进步以及今天生活的得来不易.

4. insects的反义词

4. 昆虫纲:insectivorous plant 食虫植物 | insects 昆虫纲 | insequent drainage 师状的排水系统

insects 单语例句

1. Trapping lamps were put out for insects, and farmers killed weeds by hand.

2. It causes the animals and insects on display to come to life and wreak havoc.

3. People will congratulate the winner for eating more fried beans, which symbolizes that more harmful insects will be killed.

4. It is home to many rare wild flowers and insects, including the Bee Orchid and the vibrant Adonis Blue butterfly.

5. George for several hours while area beekeepers headed to the scene to try to corral the insects.

6. Don't expect a creepy show, though - only very small insects are trapped and digested by the sticky leaves.

7. Finnish police said it is rare for them to use insects to solve crimes, although they are interested in everything found at a crime scene.

8. The awareness of import dangers also needs to be cultivated among the general public to avoid unintentionally bringing in harmful plants or insects from overseas.

9. The cyborg insects were created as part of a program funded by the Pentagon.

10. Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to root stock that is strong and resists disease and insects.

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