
instrument是什么意思 instrument在线翻译 instrument什么意思 instrument的意思 instrument的翻译 instrument的解释 instrument的发音 instrument的同义词

instrument [ˈɪnstrəmənt]  [ˈɪnstrəmənt] 


instrument 基本解释

名词仪器; 乐器; 手段,工具; 法律文件

及物动词用仪器装备; 为演奏谱曲; 向…提交文书

instrument 相关例句


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. The dentist picked up several instruments.

2. Language is an instrument for communication.

instrument 网络解释

1. 乐器:这篇文档包括了以下的Microsoft® DirectMusic 应用程序接口 (API)的主题:* 乐器(Instrument)对象和接口乐器 (instrument)对象和接口这一组的对象和接口用来进行乐曲的即时写作.

2. 仪表:朋杰股份有限公司是阀纇(Valve)专家,精通仪表(Instrument),善於分析(Analyzer). 除了代理欧/美/日知名品牌之各类工业用仪表,应用於石化炼油、发电、水处理、生技、半导体等各大工业;并设置认证维修厂,服务各专业领域客户.

3. 仪器:[摘要]锐盛科技由瑞胜科技有限公司(香港)及深圳市瑞盛科技有限公司组成,主营业务包括:电子元器件(COMPONENT)和分析仪器(INSTRUMENT).,是日本岛津在华南地区的授权一级...

4. 工具:以下美发专业术语是本人精心收集的,主要设计到产品、工具、商业等美发术语、专业美发英文术语产品(product)&工具(instrument)

5. instrument的解释

5. instrument:instr; 仪器

6. instrument:instrumentid; 仪器,与

7. danci.911cha.com

7. instrument:inst; 仪器,工具

instrument 词典解释

1. 器械;器具
    An instrument is a tool or device that is used to do a particular task, especially a scientific task.

    e.g. ...a thin tube-like optical instrument.
    e.g. ...instruments for cleaning and polishing teeth...

2. 乐器
    A musical instrument is an object such as a piano, guitar, or flute, which you play in order to produce music.


    e.g. Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.

3. 仪器;仪表
    An instrument is a device that is used for making measurements of something such as speed, height, or sound, for example on a ship or plane or in a car.


    e.g. ...crucial instruments on the control panel.
    e.g. ...navigation instruments.

4. 工具;手段;被他人利用的人
    Something that is an instrument for achieving a particular aim is used by people to achieve that aim.


    e.g. The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries.

5. see also: stringed instrument;wind instrument

instrument 单语例句

1. The harp has become practically representative of Paraguay, and is the most typical local instrument by far.

2. The job fair was instigated by the Beijing Instrument Industry Group Co Ltd with companies from the automotive and mechatronics industries attending.

3. He said investors would require high level of risk tolerance and adequate capital to trade in the new instrument.

4. The survey also showed equities continued to be the most actively used asset class, and gold the most favored hedging instrument this year.

5. The most famous treasure is the Chime Bells, which is the largest bronze musical instrument ever discovered.

6. The nine holes enable the instrument to produce the complete chromatic scale, and its range covers three octaves.

7. These include Russia's Pushkin Dance Company, a French clown troupe performing traditional street dances and Malaysia's acclaimed Percussion Instrument Troupe.

8. The issuance of eurobonds would be a very useful instrument to show the European Union's cohesion and its will to make progress in fiscal governance.

9. The electrons detected by the instrument seem to match theories about what would be produced when dark matter particles collide and destroy each other.

10. The wood and the instrument come alive as you carve it and then paint it.


instrument 英英释义


1. the means whereby some act is accomplished

    e.g. my greed was the instrument of my destruction
           science has given us new tools to fight disease

    Synonym: tool

2. a device that requires skill for proper use

3. any of various devices or contrivances that can be used to produce musical tones or sounds

    Synonym: musical instrument

4. the semantic role of the entity (usually inanimate) that the agent uses to perform an action or start a process

    Synonym: instrumental role

5. (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right

    Synonym: legal documentlegal instrumentofficial document

6. a person used by another to gain an end

    Synonym: pawncat's-paw



1. address a legal document to

2. write an instrumental score for

    Synonym: instrumentate

3. equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling

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