
intercept是什么意思 intercept在线翻译 intercept什么意思 intercept的意思 intercept的翻译 intercept的解释 intercept的发音 intercept的同义词

intercept [ˌɪntəˈsept]  [ˌɪntərˈsept] 


intercept 基本解释

及物动词截击; 拦截,拦住; 截球; 拦阻

名词(数学)截距; 截击,拦截; 截听; 拦截者

intercept 相关例句


1. The parcels of drugs were intercepted by the Customs House before they were delivered.

intercept 网络解释

1. 截距:方法以Certain ISE Hi、Mid、Lo所测定的均值作为靶值,将644 ISE K^+Na^+Cl^-分析仪内设置的斜率(SLOPE)及截距(INTERCEPT)数据调到合适位置,然后在质控物的监控下,分别测定笔者研制的三种浓度质控物,以均值 标准差作为定值依据.

2. 截获:10、在以上前提的保证下,可以在非最上层使用AOP截获(intercept)异常而进行日志记录,这样通过日志记录,我们可以了解系统的 运行状态. 记不起在哪里看到过这样一句话:在软件实现中,异常和日志都是重要的质量保证手段,异常和日志总是同时出现的.

intercept 词典解释

1. 拦截;截住;截击
    If you intercept someone or something that is travelling from one place to another, you stop them before they get to their destination.

    e.g. Gunmen intercepted him on his way to the airport...
    e.g. Dodd intercepted a ball intended for Smith...

...the interception of a ship off the west coast of Scotland.

intercept 单语例句


1. The score started with Chastain stepping in to intercept a Brazil pass just outside the center circle and playing a quick ball ahead to Tarpley.

2. She is being questioned on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications - phone hacking - and on suspicion of corruption - bribing police for information.

3. Article 53 No unit or individual may intercept or appropriate funds and materials for flood control and disaster relief.

4. The report said an April 7 decapitation attack in a Baghdad neighborhood targeting Saddam Hussein used a satellite phone intercept as intelligence.

5. After several successful intercepts since Bush's election, the system failed to intercept a mock enemy missile in a test in December 2002.

6. The United States said the shield is designed to intercept rockets fired against it from the Middle or Far East.

7. When they tried to intercept him he allegedly attacked a sergeant with a fruit knife and then fled toward Cheung Hang Estate.

8. US officials have in the past stressed they regarded the proposed central European sites as ideally placed to intercept missiles coming from the Middle East.

9. So journalists have to identify and " intercept " them to grab comments.

10. Israeli security sources said the small aircraft flew for several minutes over Israeli territory and then returned to Lebanon before Israeli aircraft could intercept it.


intercept 英英释义


1. the point at which a line intersects a coordinate axis



1. seize on its way

    e.g. The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country's airspace

    Synonym: stop

2. tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information

    e.g. The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy
           Is this hotel room bugged?

    Synonym: wiretaptapbug

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