
interested是什么意思 interested在线翻译 interested什么意思 interested的意思 interested的翻译 interested的解释 interested的发音 interested的同义词

interested [ˈɪntrəstɪd]  [ˈɪntrɪstɪd, -tərɪstɪd, -təˌrɛstɪd] 

比较级:more interested最高级:most interested

interested 基本解释


形容词感兴趣的; 拥有权益的; 有成见的


interested 同义词


interested 反义词



interested 情景对话


B:I’m trying to decide (what school to go to/ what to major in/ what classes to take).


A:What are you interested in?



B:I thought I coached you on the secrets of flirting!

A:You overheard my conversation with Rose?


B:It was truly pathetic!

A:She's not interested in me.


B:You have to flirt.

A:She doesn't find me attractive.

B:My gosh! She's just playing hard-to-get!


A:There’s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?

B:Sorry, I’m not a volleyball fan. I’d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?


C:I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don’t care for ball games.

interested 网络解释

1. 感兴趣的:阐述了我们向目标消费者(TA)说了这个讯息(message)之后,TA会信服(believe),会放弃某些习惯(habit),某种态度(attitude),改变旧的认知(perception),而达成我们的广告目标(ad objective),因此它必须是有关联的(relevant),是TA感兴趣的(interested).

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2. 感兴趣:逻辑推理 因园丁知道狗的死因,狗被车撞了当即死亡,不会有痛苦的,并不知道警官们问话的用意,对于这个警官的问话,他感到很惊讶(surprised),而不是高兴(happy)、激动(excited)和感兴趣(interested).

3. 兴趣:顾客购买模式 从顾客的角度来看,一个简化的软件购买心理和情绪过程分为几个阶段,大致上是依序的:首先,他们会收到厂商的信息,引起对产品的注意 (attentive),然后开始对软件发生兴趣(interested),想对它多了解一些,

interested 词典解释

1. 感兴趣的;有兴趣的;关心的
    If you are interested in something, you think it is important and want to learn more about it or spend time doing it.

    e.g. I thought she might be interested in Paula's proposal...
    e.g. I think the young man is getting interested in gardening...

2. 有利害关系的;利益相关的;当事的
    An interested party or group of people is affected by or involved in a particular event or situation.

    e.g. All the interested parties eventually agreed to the idea.

3. see also: self-interested

Take care not to confuse interested and interesting. 注意不要混淆 interested 和 interesting。

interested 单语例句

1. Customers who are interested cannot buy off the shelf and will need to book in advance.

2. Westerners interested primarily in acting work face all sorts of special challenges, not least of which is the expectation of fluent Mandarin.

3. The world's largest insurer by market value is " very interested " in buying foreign banks, board secretary Liu Ting said yesterday.

4. Downey said he told Silver he was interested in doing an intelligent action movie that also was a period piece.

5. She placed the call to find out whether he was still interested in pursuing the project.

6. Yang became interested in Chinese calligraphy when a friend suggested he might balance his immersion in modern technology with an interest in ancient art.

7. The Duchess of Cambridge wasn't interested in Prince William at first, according to friends.

8. They established several camping areas in the major scenic spots and rented out tents to interested tourists wanting to spend a night in the mountains.

9. Provided you are interested in solid neighborhoods and don't care about finding bargains or timing the market.

10. Investors such as Carlyle and Gazeley also are reportedly interested in seeking projects in the Shanghai industrial property market.

interested 英英释义



1. having or showing interest
    especially curiosity or fascination or concern

    e.g. an interested audience
           interested in sports
           was interested to hear about her family
           interested in knowing who was on the telephone
           interested spectators

2. involved in or affected by or having a claim to or share in

    e.g. a memorandum to those concerned
           an enterprise in which three men are concerned
           factors concerned in the rise and fall of epidemics
           the interested parties met to discuss the business

    Synonym: concerned

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