
interrogation是什么意思 interrogation在线翻译 interrogation什么意思 interrogation的意思 interrogation的翻译 interrogation的解释 interrogation的发音

interrogation [ɪnˌterə'ɡeɪʃn]  [ɪnˌterə'ɡeɪʃn] 


interrogation 基本解释


名词讯问; 审问; 疑问句

interrogation 相关例句


1. He seemed shaken after the interrogation.

interrogation 网络解释

1. interrogation什么意思

1. 询问:潜在威胁发生时或侦测到威胁时距最接近时刻的时间间隔. 飞航管制雷达电码系统中机载的雷达电码接收机/发射机部分. 它自动接收来自地面询问器的无线电讯号,并且选择性的以一个回答脉冲(Reply Pulse)或脉冲组回答那些相同设定模式的询问 (Interrogation).

2. 审问:他把代表团(delegation)听成审问(interrogation). 什么?国际作家审问?他耳朵警惕地支起来. 不,不是审问,我连忙摆手,叫来我们的秘书长萨尔蒙. 可他只会法文,三个人越说越糊涂,闹不清到底是谁审问谁. 幸好来接我们的法国驻以色列总领事馆的代表及时出现,

3. 问:但是,在古埃及公元前2725年,比中国传说时代的黄帝和炎帝约早600年,曾经有一位叫Imhotep(平安莅临者)的医生,把诊断方法建立在了他所认识的生理学、病理学基础之上,创造了查(inspection)、问(interrogation)、触(palpation)的诊断方法[11].

interrogation 词典解释

1. 讯问;审问
    An interrogation is the act of interrogating someone.

    e.g. ...the right to silence in police interrogations.
    e.g. ...ill-treatment of suspects during interrogation.

interrogation 单语例句

1. Analysts say that because four years has elapsed since Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's capture, any further information gleaned from interrogation would be outdated and of little use now.

2. The SBS also showed photographs of a bloodied cell block and the corpse of a man it said was killed during a CIA interrogation.

3. Rumsfeld disclosed the Central Intelligence Agency has been given responsibility for the interrogation of Saddam Hussein.

4. The CIA disputed that characterization and suggested the panel should have requested interrogation videotapes specifically if it wanted them.

5. The CIA sent lawmakers a chart in May describing the 40 congressional briefings it gave on the interrogation techniques.

6. While this might boost chances for successful prosecutions of suspected terrorists, it could expose unseemly details of shadowy interrogation practices conducted by the CIA.

7. Yet much remains unknown about the CIA's highly classified detention and interrogation practices, particularly when it grabs foreigners and spirits them away to other countries.

8. Durham's initial task was to look into the CIA's destruction of interrogation videotapes, the inquiry of which was also closed with no criminal charges.

9. At a clandestine interrogation centre of the US troops in Bagram of Afghanistan, prisoners were even more tortured.

10. White House officials said these provisions would provide the CIA the clarity it needs to continue with its interrogation program.

interrogation 英英释义


1. an instance of questioning

    e.g. there was a question about my training
           we made inquiries of all those who were present

    Synonym: questioninquiryenquiryquery

2. formal systematic questioning

    Synonym: examinationinterrogatory

3. a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply

    e.g. he asked a direct question
           he had trouble phrasing his interrogations

    Synonym: questioninterrogativeinterrogative sentence

4. a transmission that will trigger an answering transmission from a transponder

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