
interruption是什么意思 interruption在线翻译 interruption什么意思 interruption的意思 interruption的翻译 interruption的解释 interruption的发音

interruption [ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃn]  [ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃən] 


interruption 基本解释


名词中断; 打断; 障碍物; 打岔的事

interruption 相关例句


1. The rain continued without interruption all day.

2. Constant interruptions interfere with my work.

3. Numerous interruptions have prevented me from finishing the work.

interruption 网络解释

1. 中断:(1)中断(Interruption):系统的某部分遭受破坏,使讯号无法由传送端到接收端,如破坏硬体设备或是切断通讯线路等,这是针对可用性(availability)进行破坏(2)窃取(Interception):未经授权的第三者取得某向资源的权利,如非法复制档案,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 間斷:Alexander等人的研究里,也检验了许多的问题18.27,包括:会谈的频率 、使用坐椅或躺椅的选择、准备结束治疗前间断(interruption)的长短的影响力、心理治疗与药物或他种治疗的合并等等.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 中断比赛:interference 干扰 | interruption 中断比赛 | jump smash 跃起抽球

interruption 单语例句

1. Part two is scheduled for Monday, with an interruption for President Bush's address to the nation.

2. Five crooks who tried several times to steal from bus passengers got so frustrated at a conductor's interruption that they attacked her.

3. BEIJING - Couch potatoes will be able to enjoy TV dramas without interruption once a new regulation comes into effect next year.

4. He cites microchip manufacturing as an example, where even a microsecond of interruption can cause disaster.

5. It was the worst Internet incident in China after the service interruption caused by damaged undersea cables in the earthquake near Taiwan in 2006.

6. The DSG enables smoother gear changes without interruption of power, lowering fuel consumption while ensuring perfect acceleration.

7. China has sustained rapid economic growth for 30 years without significant fluctuations or interruption - so far.

8. Last week the US warned of a possible GPS interruption because of delays in modernizing and deploying the Air Force satellites that provide the service.

9. The interruption lasted eight minutes and it seemed to galvanise Federer as he held serve before breaking for the first time to level.

10. " It only takes one interruption to change that dynamic, " Drummond said.


interruption 英英释义


1. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity

    e.g. it was presented without commercial breaks
           there was a gap in his account

    Synonym: breakdisruptiongap

2. some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity

    e.g. the telephone is an annoying interruption
           there was a break in the action when a player was hurt

    Synonym: break

3. a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something

    Synonym: pauseintermissionbreaksuspension

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