
interurban是什么意思 interurban在线翻译 interurban什么意思 interurban的意思 interurban的翻译 interurban的解释 interurban的发音 interurban的同义词

interurban [ˌɪntə'rɜ:bən]  [ˌɪntə'ɜ:bən] 

interurban 基本解释



interurban 网络解释

1. interurban的反义词

1. 都市间的:intertwist 绞合 | interurban 都市间的 | interval 间隔

2. 城市之间:intracellular(细)胞内的 | interurban 城市之间 | 05. centri,centro,medi,mid 中心,中央,中间

3. 市间铁路:市府参事的aldermanic | 市间铁路interurban | 市郊environs

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 都市间的/市间铁路:intertype /整行排铸机/自动排印机/ | interurban /都市间的/市间铁路/ | interviewee /被接见者/被采访者/

interurban 双语例句

1. interurban

1. This paper studies the ability of interurban cultural competition.

2. interurban什么意思

2. More interurban trips are taken in mainland China in this 40-day period than the total population of China.

3. interurban是什么意思

3. The only way to get to the next town is by automobile or taxi; there is no interurban bus.

4. ABSTRACT: The research on interurban economics should be paid great attention to in the course of urban economic and social harmonious development in China.

5. Ability of interurban cultural competition is derived from the study of thecompetition of cities at a time.

6. There is few research of the determination of the interurban residential site price differences from the point of view the supply and demand.

7. Since the reform and open policy, our country railroad has obtained the rapid development, but still cannot adapt the requirement of the national economy and the society development; especially the major and medium interurban passenger transportation capacity is lacking.

8. Automatic operation, without the continuous presence of an attendant (operator), was first tried on the synchronous converter substations supplying an interurban electric railway in 1914.

9. interurban的翻译

9. And gross domestic product & per average residential area are the influence factors of interurban residential site differences for the east area.

10. interurban的近义词

10. What is at stake here, they rightly argue, is a rather more complicated relationship across scales in which local initiatives can percolate upwards to a global scale and vice versa at the same time as processes within a particular definition of scale -- interurban and interregional competition being the most obvious examples -- can rework the local/regional configurations of what globalization is about.

11. Inspected to Bohai Rim economic phenomena, we discovered that the effect of agglomeration is strong in this area. Follows the agglomeration, the interurban economical development disparity enlarges, just like the phenomena in Zhujiang Delta and the Yangtze River delta.

12. As a branch discipline of urban economics, the research significance, objective, mission and contents of interurban economics are preliminary approached in this paper, so that the deficiency in study on interurban systems in urban economics can be remedied.

13. interurban的翻译

13. We would go downtown by streetcar, a mile and a half, and then seven miles northeastward by interurban trolley.

14. interurban什么意思

14. The influence factors which determine the interurban residential site price differences are different for the different area.

15. The metropolitan area is a network that the neighboring cities constitute. The development of metropolitan area can optimize the interurban essential factors'disposal, enhance the using efficiency of the resources and highlight the different cities'functions.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. Except the investment of real estate development, per capita annual disposable income of urban households & the density of population are the influence factors of interurban residential site differences for the west area.

17. interurban

17. At the same time, Liaoning's water resources is very imbalanced in interurban assignment, the situation of the water resources in the eastern area obviously surpasses the western area.

18. interurban在线翻译

18. Research on the regional interurban relationship of Shanghai being constructed into a world city

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