
intimidation是什么意思 intimidation在线翻译 intimidation什么意思 intimidation的意思 intimidation的翻译 intimidation的解释 intimidation的发音

intimidation [ɪnˌtɪmɪ'deɪʃn]  [ɪntɪməˈdeʃən] 

intimidation 基本解释


intimidation 网络解释

1. intimidation是什么意思

1. 胁迫:原则上讲,如果原告不以上述一种诉讼形式提出诉讼请求,那么他不能获得法律的救济,但是如果一旦有了新的侵权行为,那么就可以产生一种新的侵权行为诉讼形式,比如侵犯隐私(invasion of privacy)、胁迫(intimidation)等等.

2. 威胁:在正确适用这些规定的案子(intherightcase)中,这些条款是万能药(panacea而在错误适用这些规定的案子(wrong case)中, 它们则会 [1]被用作施加威胁(intimidation)的工具.

3. 恐吓:玩家使用一点意志点数,投魅力(Charisma)+ 恐吓(Intimidation)对抗目标投意志判定(难度都是7). 血族的成功数每超过受害者一个,受害者就临时丧失一点意志点数. 目标的成功数每超过血族一个,则下一轮判定她将能多投一个dice.

4. 恫吓:恫吓(Intimidation):用威胁的方法使他人接受自己的观点. 逢迎(Ingratiation):说他人喜欢的话,俗称拍马屁. (4)自我障碍策略 为了保持自尊,个体常常会使用一些策略,其中自我障碍策略(Self-handicapping)就是最常用的一种方法,

intimidation 单语例句

1. Hong Kong is a place where the rule of law prevails and the government will not tolerate any act of violence or intimidation.

2. She added that her intimidation grew when the machine swallowed her bank card last year.

3. Lee was convicted of one count of criminal intimidation, one count of publishing an indecent article and one count of publishing an obscene article.

4. The three defendants denied their culpable confessions in court, saying they made those statements under intimidation and inducement by police.

5. Many people are also discouraged from working out due to gym intimidation.

6. " The Iraqis deserve an election that is free from intimidation and violence, " he said in a statement.

7. Guerrilla violence and intimidation in Iraq's Sunni Arab heartland means that even many Sunnis who want to vote are too afraid.

8. He was arrested and charged with criminal intimidation and illegal possession of a weapon.

9. Bush also said the noose was a tool for intimidation and killing that conveyed a sense of powerlessness to millions of blacks throughout the country.

10. Officials also report a massive intimidation campaign by insurgents threatening to kill candidates and others participating in the January ballot.

intimidation 英英释义


1. the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something

    Synonym: bullying

2. a communication that makes you afraid to try something

    Synonym: determentdeterrence

3. the feeling of being intimidated
    being made to feel afraid or timid

4. the feeling of discouragement in the face of someone's superior fame or wealth or status etc.

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