
introductory是什么意思 introductory在线翻译 introductory什么意思 introductory的意思 introductory的翻译 introductory的解释 introductory的发音

introductory [ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri]  [ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri] 

introductory 基本解释

形容词引导的,介绍的,导言的; 开端的; 序

introductory 相关例句


1. introductory的反义词

1. The dean made a few introductory remarks before the lecture.

introductory 网络解释

1. 入门级:RCM考级所设级别从入门级(Introductory)开始,继而一至十(Grade1-Grade 10)级,直到表演证书、教师证书. 当你通过教师级别证书考试的时候,意味着你可以从事相应科目的教学,所以,它不是专为业余学琴者而设立的考试,而是一个音乐考试体系.

2. 引导的:introcontrol 内控 | introductory 引导的 | introgression 渐渗现象

3. 介绍的:introductive 前言的 | introductory 介绍的 | introflexion 向内弯曲

4. introductory

4. 介绍的,导言的:introduction 引进,介绍 | introductory 介绍的,导言的 | conduct 引导,指导,管理,经营

introductory 词典解释

1. 引言的;导论的;介绍性的
    An introductory remark, talk, or part of a book gives a small amount of general information about a particular subject, often before a more detailed explanation.

    e.g. ...an introductory course in religion and theology.

2. (新品)促销的,特惠的
    An introductory offer or price on a new product is something such as a free gift or a low price that is meant to attract new customers.


    e.g. ...just out on the shelves at an introductory price of £2.99.

introductory 单语例句

1. The plan is aimed at homeowners who are making payments on time at lower introductory mortgage rates but cannot afford a higher adjusted rate.

2. CXL currently sees a daily output of 49 hydraulic excavators, according to an introductory tour conducted at a CXL workshop ahead of the press conference.

3. The company is to list its mobile phone business via introductory listing instead of an initial public offering exposed to unfavourable market conditions.

4. Clinton spoke in a clear, unhurried voice and looked at ease as she read a long introductory statement.

5. They want their names to be recorded in the museum's introductory materials.

6. The introductory and professional training is undertaken by professors from both Chinese and French universities and experts of European aviation enterprises.

7. Wang says his team's work in foreign countries largely lies in recruitment and shooting introductory footage for bachelors.

8. This introductory writing session is geared toward young, inspired writers who want to capture their remarkable life experiences.

9. Introductory material given by local publicity officials indicate that Li was a workaholic in the past decades.

10. Following such introductory sections is a panoramic view of specific laws governing the different areas of social life.

introductory 英英释义



1. serving as an introduction or preface

    Synonym: prefatorialprefatory

2. serving to open or begin

    e.g. began the slide show with some introductory remarks

3. serving as a base or starting point

    e.g. a basic course in Russian
           basic training for raw recruits
           a set of basic tools
           an introductory art course

    Synonym: basic

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