
involvement是什么意思 involvement在线翻译 involvement什么意思 involvement的意思 involvement的翻译 involvement的解释 involvement的发音

involvement [ɪnˈvɒlvmənt]  [ɪnˈvɑ:lvmənt] 


involvement 基本解释


名词牵连,参与; 加入; 财政困难; 牵连的事务,复杂的情况


involvement 网络解释

1. involvement是什么意思

1. 投入:在<<少年犯罪原因探析>>(Cause of Delinquency)一书中,赫希声称,有四种纽带把人们同社会和守法行为联系起来:依附(Attachment)、责任(Commitment)、投入(Involvement)和信念(Belief).

involvement 词典解释

1. 参与;介入;卷入
    Your involvement in something is the fact that you are taking part in it.

    e.g. You have no proof of my involvement in anything...
    e.g. She disliked his involvement with the group and disliked his friends.

2. (投入的)感情;(倾注的)热情
    Involvement is the enthusiasm that you feel when you care deeply about something.

    e.g. Ben has always felt a deep involvement with animals.

3. 暧昧关系;恋爱关系
    An involvement is a close relationship between two people, especially if they are not married to each other.


    e.g. They were very good friends but there was no romantic involvement...
    e.g. Mahler was also known for his passionate involvements outside marriage.

involvement 单语例句


1. But Hong Kong business people are always wary of any form of direct government involvement in business.

2. Greater involvement should be provided to insurance companies through tax reductions, and favorable treatment in land and business operation fees.

3. Hong Kong police have arrested three men for suspected involvement in a " Ponzi " scheme that had previously been busted on the mainland.

4. Now that schools are free of direct involvement by government, any further act of " withdrawal " would be meaningless.

5. Pakistan condemned the assault as a " barbaric act of terrorism " and denied any involvement by state agencies.

6. As Obama stayed out of the public fray before the phone call, questions remained about White House involvement in the decision to ask Sherrod to resign.

7. In all three deals, there has been limited active involvement from ICBC in target bank operations.

8. Behind the scenes, the two sides were negotiating her future involvement with the campaign.

9. More importantly, this wider involvement would mean more enterprises would have the capacity to develop space technologies.

10. It requires the active involvement of all those involved in the production process for industry as well as for services.

involvement 英英释义



1. the act of sharing in the activities of a group

    e.g. the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities

    Synonym: engagementparticipationinvolution

2. a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something

    e.g. an interest in music

    Synonym: interest

3. a connection of inclusion or containment

    e.g. he escaped involvement in the accident
           there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen

4. the condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.)

    Synonym: participation

5. a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

    Synonym: affairaffaireintimacyliaisonamour

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