
iris是什么意思 iris在线翻译 iris什么意思 iris的意思 iris的翻译 iris的解释 iris的发音 iris的同义词 iris的反义词 iris的例句 iris的相关词组

iris [ˈaɪrɪs]  [ˈaɪrɪs] 


iris 基本解释

名词虹膜; 鸢尾属植物

iris 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 蝴蝶花:在介绍各类侦测、辨识及分类技术的同时也将藉由制程监控、统计制程品管、影像处理、自动视觉瑕疵检测、信用卡核发等实务案例说明其应用. <<蝴蝶花(IRIS)经过各种监督式分类方法之结果>>

2. 彩虹:哭泣玩偶(Goo Goo Dolls)毕竟还是有<<彩虹>>(Iris)和<<名字>>(Name)这样的精品,金属出身的他们在旋律上有自己的功底,但是主流摇滚的自我定位在相当的程度上束缚了他们的实验性和探索的可能.

3. iris是什么意思

3. 光圈:58 数字变倍 开关59 聚焦(FOCUS) 自动 手动60 光圈(IRIS) 自动 手动将恢复的出厂默认设置参数写到设备的闪存(FLASH)中,供以后设备重启动时录像机的软件升级功能对FLASH 进行编程,将网络硬盘录像机软件(digicap)写入

4. iris:ir imaging systems; 红外成像系统

5. iris:infrared interferometer spectrometer; 红外干涉光谱仪

6. iris:international railway industry standard; 国际铁路行业标准

7. danci.911cha.com

7. iris:infra red interferometer spectrometer; 红外线干涉分光计

iris 词典解释

1. 虹膜
    The iris is the round coloured part of a person's eye.


2. 鸢尾属植物
    An iris is a tall plant with long leaves and large purple, yellow, or white flowers.

iris 单语例句

1. It was at those events that she met Iris Chang, the American historian and journalist best known for her 1997 The Rape of Nanking.

2. That prison break received nationwide attention as the men somehow escaped through four gates, including one that was equipped with a biometric iris identification system.

3. " The Americans are part of us, " Baumholder resident Iris Schoen said.

4. He subsequently denied being the father of Angel Iris until his paternity was proved by a DNA test.

5. The party went so well that Iris and Lila Grace now both want to be models like Kate.

6. Iris was admitted to hospital on December 26, the day the killer tsunami struck.

7. Chen will explain his favorite " Iris " in a talk with the audience before the performance.

8. Iris'respiratory system has been damaged and she was still in a coma Sunday.

9. The earth's " iris " of high clouds would be opening to let more heat escape.

10. Broadbent won for his role in the movie " Iris " and Connelly won for role " A Beautiful Mind ".

iris 英英释义



1. diaphragm consisting of thin overlapping plates that can be adjusted to change the diameter of a central opening

    Synonym: iris diaphragm

2. muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil which in turn controls the amount of light that enters the eye
    it forms the colored portion of the eye

3. plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals

    Synonym: flagfleur-de-lissword lily

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