
ironic是什么意思 ironic在线翻译 ironic什么意思 ironic的意思 ironic的翻译 ironic的解释 ironic的发音 ironic的同义词 ironic的反义词 ironic的例句

ironic [aɪˈrɒnɪk]  [aɪˈrɑ:nɪk] 

ironic 基本解释

形容词具有讽刺意味的; 用反语的; 冷嘲的; 令人啼笑皆非的


ironic 网络解释

1. 讽刺:获得提名后不久,莫里塞特推出了她的第四张单曲<<讽刺>>(Ironic) ,这是她最大的成就. 在1996年的格莱美奖中,莫里塞特获得了多项大奖,其中包括年度最佳专辑和年度最佳歌曲奖. 接着在1998年秋天,她发行了万众期待的专辑<>.

2. 讽刺的:- disparaging 轻视的 | - ironic 讽刺的 | - facetious 滑稽的,幽默的

3. 挖苦:幽默 humorous | 讽刺 sarcastic | 挖苦 ironic

4. 表示批评或讽刺:表示害怕或担心:fearful, frightened, worried, nervous | 表示批评或讽刺:critical, criticize, ironic,find fault with | 表示失望或灰心:disappointed, discouraged

ironic 词典解释

1. 反语的;讽刺挖苦的
    When you make an ironic remark, you say something that you do not mean, as a joke.


    e.g. At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark...
    e.g. People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school, but they were being ironic.

2. 具有讽刺意味的;令人啼笑皆非的
    If you say that it is ironic that something should happen, you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast.

    e.g. Does he not find it ironic that the sort of people his movie celebrates hardly ever watch this kind of movie?

ironic 单语例句


1. Masterpieces by 13 of the most famous Polish caricature artists mirror society in ironic and humorous ways.

2. When Castle and Kable finally meet up there is a flash of the ironic wit that makes Hall so effective on Dexter.

3. Italian newspapers described her Tuesday as a combative woman with an ironic wit who worked relentlessly for the needy.

4. It's ironic that the police in Shandong and Hubei provinces have compulsorily sent several petitioners into mental hospitals.

5. It's ironic for the US to urge other countries to reduce their emissions and then criticize them for developing their renewable energy sector.

6. Plastered's designers discover the diversity and beauty of Beijing's everyday life and turn it into graphic design with ironic effect.

7. Balance was the key - which was ironic given his struggle to find equilibrium elsewhere in life.

8. Their finely painted photographs have charmed many people with the ironic, humorous images that merge experimental art with popular kitsch.

9. It seems ironic that the walls ancient Chinese emperors built to fend off foreign invaders now attracts them in droves.

10. A new film features famous musicians addressing their views about pirated music in an ironic and humorous way.

ironic 英英释义


1. characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is

    e.g. madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker
           it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely

    Synonym: ironical

2. humorously sarcastic or mocking

    e.g. dry humor
           an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely
           an ironic novel
           an ironical smile
           with a wry Scottish wit

    Synonym: dryironicalwry

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