
jelly是什么意思 jelly在线翻译 jelly什么意思 jelly的意思 jelly的翻译 jelly的解释 jelly的发音 jelly的同义词 jelly的反义词 jelly的例句

jelly [ˈdʒeli]  [ˈdʒɛli] 


jelly 基本解释

名词果冻; 果酱; 胶状物; 肉冻

jelly 相关例句


1. jelly在线翻译

1. The medicine was a clear jelly.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. She was so nervous before the performance that she was shaking like a jelly.

jelly 网络解释

1. jelly的意思

1. 凝胶:另外、网状分子锁即使吸收再多水份仍可保持凝胶 (Jelly) 状态. 这个构造让尿液即使施 以外在压力也不外漏. 因为高分子吸收体技术、纸尿裤的吸水性及保水性有飞跃性的进步,大大改善尿液外漏、 逆流. 因此纸张与纤维使用量减少,

2. jelly的反义词

2. 果子冻:优柔寡断的indecisive,比喻表现中以果子冻(jelly)喻之. 据说从前美国有位政坛要人,拒任总统顾问,原因在他认为总统是个jelly head. 阿尊是个优柔寡断的人:John is a grape jelly person,说成葡萄果冻,可能由于葡萄有酸有甜,

3. 冻胶:在水中膨胀可变成透明冻胶(jelly),但一部分可溶解成为胶体状,非单一物质,主要是由半乳糖醛酸(galacturonic acid)、 L-岩藻糖(L-fucose)、D-木糖(D-xylose)所构成的指产于近东各地的豆科紫云英属植物分泌的一种胶质.

jelly 词典解释

1. 果冻
    Jelly is a transparent, usually coloured food that is eaten as a dessert. It is made from gelatine, fruit juice, and sugar.


    e.g. ...a large bowl of jelly.

in AM, use 美国英语用 Jell-O

2. (通常涂在面包上浓稠的)果酱
    Jelly is a thick sweet food that is made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar, and that is usually spread on bread.

    e.g. I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 jam

3. (稀薄而透明的)果酱
    Jelly is a thin clear sweet food that is made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar.


    e.g. ...toast piled thick with butter and bramble jelly.

4. 胶状物;胶凝物
    A jelly is a transparent substance that is not completely solid.

    e.g. ...meat in jelly.

5. see also: royal jelly

jelly 单语例句

1. It was slippery and a bit chewy, a bit like fruit jelly.

2. The newly opened Hangzhou cuisine restaurant shows some genuine creativity in making Xiaoshan pickled dried radish into a savory smooth tasting jelly.

3. Serve red currant jelly to go with both the ham and the buttered scones.

4. The " Chinese inspired " set has freshly prepared dim sum, egg custard roll and lucky fish with champagne jelly.

5. When it had turned to jelly, it would be cut up in cubes and mixed into the mince and seasoning.

6. Dissolve the jelly crystals in 100 ml of hot water and cool slightly before pouring over the sponge fingers.

7. The gelling agent we used most often was agar agar, a seaweed extract that sets to a translucent jelly at room temperature.

8. The fragile wobble of a newly unmolded jelly continues to fascinate me.

9. The restaurant is famous for its spicy grilled fish, sashimi jelly fungus and grilled fish with fermented bean.

10. Edible gelatin is widely used in the making of medicine capsules and foodstuffs such as jelly and yoghurt.

jelly 英英释义


1. a preserve made of the jelled juice of fruit

2. an edible jelly (sweet or pungent) made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods

    Synonym: gelatin

3. any substance having the consistency of jelly or gelatin



1. make into jelly

    e.g. jellify a liquid

    Synonym: jellify

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