
jog是什么意思 jog在线翻译 jog什么意思 jog的意思 jog的翻译 jog的解释 jog的发音 jog的同义词 jog的反义词 jog的例句 jog的相关词组

jog [dʒɒg]  [dʒɑ:g] 


jog 基本解释

及物/不及物动词慢跑; 轻推,轻撞; 蹒跚行进; 使颠簸

及物动词慢跑; 轻推; 蹒跚行进; 使颠簸

名词慢跑; 轻推,轻摇; (线,面上的)参差不齐; 突然的转向

jog 相关例句


1. I felt someone jogging my elbow.

2. Many old people go jogging in the park in the early morning.


1. jog在线翻译

1. The car jogged along the rough road.

2. The old horse jogged along.

3. jog的近义词

3. We must jog on somehow.

jog 网络解释

1. 跑:begin)让学生开动脑筋,把这几个词想象成某些生活场景或特定的某次生活经历,在我的启发下,很快有同学编成如下这一段:我跑步(run)去游泳(swim),忘了(forget)带游泳圈,我去商店(shop)去取(get),慢跑(jog)回来,坐下(sit)歇歇,

2. jog的翻译

2. 漫步:[记忆] 形似记忆:家庭(family)成员 → 熟悉的(familiar)[记忆] 形似记忆:青蛙(frog)在雾(fog)里漫步(jog),一只狗(dog)在后面狂追. [记忆] 联想记忆:鲜血(blood)像洪水(flood)一样流淌(bleed)

3. jog:joint operation graphic; 联战图

jog 词典解释

1. (常作为锻炼)慢跑,慢步长跑
    If you jog, you run slowly, often as a form of exercise.


    e.g. I got up early the next morning to jog...
    e.g. He could scarcely jog around the block that first day.

It isn't the walking and jogging that got his weight down.

2. 轻推;轻撞;轻碰
    If you jog something, you push or bump it slightly so that it moves.


    e.g. Avoid jogging the camera.

3. 唤起…的记忆;提醒
    If something or someone jogs your memory, they cause you to suddenly remember something that you had forgotten.

    e.g. Police have planned a reconstruction of the crime tomorrow in the hope this will jog the memory of passers-by.

jog 单语例句

1. The easiest form of a cardio workout in Beijing is running and there are many great places to jog in the capital.

2. A jog every morning is an indispensable way of controlling his weight and he prefers wearing comfortable casual clothes and sneakers.

3. As if he had been out on a jog, the Ethiopian immediately went on a victory lap with his teammates.

4. Beijing and other cities need more zones like the Olympic Green where residents are free to jog or walk to shed some extra pounds.

5. A place where people go to jog, have picnics and enjoy nature.

6. ICVS advises taking dogs outside before the fireworks begin for a long walk or jog to get some vigorous exercise.

7. Accelerating from a jog to a sprint, the economy surged from July through September at the fastest pace in nearly two decades.

8. Baros could hardly even jog this week and the only real training he was able to do was cycling.

9. A jog round the track won't solve that problem, which is where MB's emphasis on technology comes into play.

10. One could also jog or take a stroll along many secluded paths in the area.

jog 英英释义



1. a slight push or shake

    Synonym: nudge

2. a slow pace of running

    Synonym: trotlope

3. a sharp change in direction

    e.g. there was a jog in the road



1. stimulate to remember

    e.g. jog my memory

2. give a slight push to

3. run at a moderately swift pace

    Synonym: trotclip

4. run for exercise

    e.g. jog along the canal

5. even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing

    Synonym: square upeven up

6. continue talking or writing in a desultory manner

    e.g. This novel rambles on and jogs

    Synonym: ramble onramble

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