
junkie是什么意思 junkie在线翻译 junkie什么意思 junkie的意思 junkie的翻译 junkie的解释 junkie的发音 junkie的同义词 junkie的反义词 junkie的例句

junkie [ˈdʒʌŋki]  [ˈdʒʌŋki] 


junkie 基本解释

名词<俚>吸毒者; <口>爱好者; 有毒瘾者; 废旧品商人

junkie 网络解释

1. 毒蟲:哈佛大学毕业后当过私家侦探、除虫公司职员. 喜欢玩弄以枪射击放在头上的玻璃瓶的特技,1951年因此意外枪杀老婆,却也促使他开始写作. 首本著作是匿名发表於1953年的自传体小说<<毒虫>>(Junkie). 战后流浪到墨西哥、摩洛哥等地多年.

2. 吸毒者:Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory 艾森克人格量表 | junkie 吸毒者 | jury 临时的

3. 有毒瘾者:junkie 废旧品商人 | junkie 有毒瘾者 | junkman 拾废铁者

4. 废旧品商人:junketeer 用公费游山玩水的人 | junkie 废旧品商人 | junkie 有毒瘾者

junkie 词典解释

1. 吸毒成瘾者;瘾君子
    A junkie is a drug addict.

2. 对…上瘾的人;迷恋…的人
    You can use junkie to refer to someone who is very interested in a particular activity, especially when they spend a lot of time on it.

    e.g. ...a computer junkie.

junkie 单语例句

1. She is not a soap opera junkie, but just knows the secret to christening fictional individuals by way of association.

2. Gere plays Hunt as an adrenalin junkie that finds war an amusing challenge as opposed to a hideous calamity that impacts thousands.

3. It is in stark contrast to more recent snaps of Kate, looking haggard and drawn since getting together with junkie Pete Doherty.

4. " Kids bully my girl and call her'junkie's daughter'and'criminal', " Tong says.

5. She was institutionalized several times, but would return to her junkie pals shortly after she was released.

6. The man surnamed Li from Fengxiang county of the province was desperately seeking a cure for his Internet junkie son.

7. Amazingly, one in 50 wished they looked like scrawny junkie rocker Pete Doherty.

8. Tao said it usually takes between three and six months to determine if an Internet junkie has overcome their addiction.

9. Also included is a rambling poem by Pete in which he calls himself a " junkie smackhead ".

10. After he became an Internet junkie, he began to lose interest in his job and was eventually fired.

junkie 英英释义


1. someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction

    e.g. a golf addict
           a car nut
           a bodybuilding freak
           a news junkie

    Synonym: addictnutfreakjunky

2. a narcotics addict

    Synonym: drug addictjunky

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