
just as是什么意思 just as在线翻译 just as什么意思 just as的意思 just as的翻译 just as的解释 just as的发音 just as的同义词 just as的反义词

just as [dʒʌst æz]  [dʒʌst æz] 

just as 基本解释

副词正如; 正像; 犹如

just as 情景对话

In Labor-(生小孩)

just as

A:My wife is in labor!

B:Here, Ma’am please get on the stretcher.

A:Is Doctor Hawkins here? She’s our doctor. We called her from the car.

B:Calm down, sir. We’ll call her to make sure she’s on the way.

just as在线翻译

A:Thanks. Sorry. It just came as such a surprise. The baby isn’t due for another two weeks.

B:How long has she been in labor?

A:About fifteen minutes.

B:O.K. Are you planning on being in the delivery room sir?


B:Please follow the nurse. She’ll get you ready.


A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?

B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.

just as

A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?

B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.


A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you roll up your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.

B:Thank you.

American English Rhythm-(美国英语的节拍)

A:Hello, Harry. Where are you off to?

B:I'm going home to study my English lesson.

A:English lesson?

just as在线翻译

B:Yes. I'm trying to learn a little more.I don't always understand what people say, and they don't always understand me.

just as的意思

A:What're you learning about?

B:Well. For instance, some words in a sentence are stressed.The time between two of these stressed words is always about the same. No matter how many words there are.This is what makes English sound jerky. First you go very fast, and then perhaps you slow up.

just as

A:Hmmmm. I never noticed that. Give me an example.

B:Sure, Here's a sentence we memorized for class. "You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time."It takes just as long to say"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"as it does to say"you told me last night"
      可以。这儿有一句我们在上课时应记住的话:"You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time。"在说"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"这段话的时间就和说"you told me last night"这句话一样长。

just as 网络解释

1. 正如:例如,然而,却(but),正如(just as),因为(because),所以(therefore),并且(also)等等. 修辞风格(figures of speech)是圣经文学的特色,直接影响一位读者对该段经文的认识和解释. 圣经中通用的修辞有:

2. just as的近义词

2. 正象;正当...的时候:just about 差不多,几乎 | just as 正象;正当...的时候 | just the same 完全一样

3. 正象;恰与......相同:at sea 在大海上 | just as... 正象;恰与......相同 | mobile phone 可移动电话

4. just as

4. 正象:just as well 幸好 | just as 正象 | just now 刚刚

just as 单语例句

1. A businesswoman proves the fairer sex can be just as corrupt as men by offering her male secretary a BMW in return for sexual services.

2. McCain has said publicly he had no intention of serving as vice president, at times leaving the door open just enough to create a constant buzz.

3. Safer assets such as government bonds and gold traded higher on the day, suggesting investors would need to see more than just rhetoric before acting.

4. The offer was swiftly rejected by the opposition as just another plot by the government to gain time.

5. Bye dismissed the conclusions of his fellow judges, just as he did on April 29 in dissenting against a temporary stay.

6. It played out just as Watson imagined, right down to Mickelson's caddie tending the pin on the eagle attempt.

7. There just might be something good coming out of this economic calamity if the US proves it is as responsible as it claims to be.

8. As the stock has been listed for just a few months, there is still a good chance of a rebound.

9. At first I use my feet just as much as the cane to navigate my way through what to me feels like a labyrinth.

10. More than just an exhibition for products, the Canton Fair serves as a platform for communication among importers and exporters.

just as 英英释义



1. at the same time as

    e.g. even as he lay dying they argued over his estate
           the building collapsed just as he arrived

    Synonym: even as

just as是什么意思,just as在线翻译,just as什么意思,just as的意思,just as的翻译,just as的解释,just as的发音,just as的同义词,just as的反义词,just as的例句,just as的相关词组,just as意思是什么,just as怎么翻译,单词just as是什么意思
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