
justice是什么意思 justice在线翻译 justice什么意思 justice的意思 justice的翻译 justice的解释 justice的发音 justice的同义词 justice的反义词

justice [ˈdʒʌstɪs]  [ˈdʒʌstɪs] 


justice 基本解释

名词正义; 公正; 法律制裁; 审判员,法官

justice 同义词

justice 反义词

justice 相关词组

1. do oneself justice : 公正待己;

2. in justice to : 为了对...公正起见;

justice 相关例句


1. justice

1. Those who break the law are subjected to justice.

2. There isn't much justice in these observations.

3. Everyone should be treated with justice.

4. All men should be treated with justice.

5. justice

5. The criminals were finally brought to justice.

justice 词典解释

1. 公平;公正;正义
    Justice is fairness in the way that people are treated.


    e.g. He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness...
    e.g. He only wants freedom, justice and equality...

2. (理由、要求或论点的)合理,正当,正确,公道
    The justice of a cause, claim, or argument is its quality of being reasonable, fair, or right.


    e.g. We are a minority and must win people round to the justice of our cause.

3. 司法制度;法律制度
    Justice is the legal system that a country uses in order to deal with people who break the law.

    e.g. Many in Toronto's black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly...
    e.g. A lawyer is part of the machinery of justice.

4. 法官
    A justice is a judge.

    e.g. Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court.

5. (用于法官名前)…法官
    Justice is used before the names of judges.

    e.g. A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Mr Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned.

6. see also: miscarriage of justice

7. 将…绳之以法;把…缉拿归案
    If a criminal is brought to justice, he or she is punished for a crime by being arrested and tried in a court of law.


    e.g. They demanded that those responsible be brought to justice...
    e.g. She'd need proof to bring Jason to justice.

8. 准确地再现;逼真地重现
    To do justice to a person or thing means to reproduce them accurately and show how good they are.

    e.g. The photograph I had seen didn't do her justice...
    e.g. Most TV sets don't have the sound quality to do justice to the music.

9. 妥善应付;恰当处理;尽力全面做好
    If you do justice to someone or something, you deal with them properly and completely.

    e.g. No one article can ever do justice to the topic of fraud...
    e.g. It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion.

10. 充分发挥能力;尽最大的努力
    If you do yourself justice, you do something as well as you are capable of doing it.


    e.g. I don't think he could do himself justice playing for England...
    e.g. I don't think I can win, but I want to do myself justice.

11. 不合法的待遇(或惩罚)
      If you describe someone's treatment or punishment as rough justice, you mean that it is not given according to the law.


      e.g. Trial by television makes for very rough justice indeed.

12. 不公正的待遇(或惩罚)
      If you say that something is rough justice for someone, you mean that they have not been treated fairly.

      e.g. It would have been rough justice had he been deprived of this important third European win.

justice 单语例句

1. Former Justice Minister Haim Ramon lost his job this year and was convicted of an indecent act for forcibly kissing a female soldier.

2. Justice Lam received a threatening letter, signed by " Chan Chun Chuen " last month.

3. Both men were convicted earlier of perverting the course of justice by disclosing the identity of a witness protected by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

4. Justice by mob rule will not lead to more fairness and lawfulness.

5. Li also called on the police to respect human rights, and ensure that pursuing efficiency in the process will not jeopardize the goal of justice.

6. A capital punishment for such a killer was typical for a legal system that is supposed to deliver justice for society.

7. We hope Chief Justice Xiao Yang's promise of maximum prudence in applying capital punishment is honored throughout that process.

8. If he does not do so in that time the Justice Ministry can carry out the sentence when it chooses.

9. However the police also have washed their hands of the case, handing in the report of the completed investigation to the Department of Justice.

10. Some have described the case as racial discrimination and flaw of the US justice system, while others said he deserves punishment for what he said.

justice 英英释义


1. judgment involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments

2. the quality of being just or fair

    Synonym: justness

3. a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice

    Synonym: judgejurist

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