
keel是什么意思 keel在线翻译 keel什么意思 keel的意思 keel的翻译 keel的解释 keel的发音 keel的同义词 keel的反义词 keel的例句 keel的相关词组

keel [ki:l]  [kil] 


keel 基本解释





keel 相关词组

1. on an even keel : 平稳地;

2. keel over : 倾覆;


keel 相关例句


1. keel的反义词

1. The sailboat keeled over in the storm.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. She keeled over in a faint.

3. keel

3. The structure had keeled over in the high winds.

4. The boat pitched suddenly and keeled over.


1. The keel of the boat was made of steel.

keel 网络解释

1. (船)龙骨:预计新合约将对集团的财报表起正面影响. 此外,根据合约,集团也获另一项价值约1800万美元的选择权协议,与FugroNV建造另一艘测量船. 行使期限为FugroEquator测量船安放船龙骨(Keel)的90天内或FugroEquator合约签署的6个月内.

2. 龙骨,脊:胸骨滑囊(sternal bursa)可能会充满干酪状物质,这是由于鸟儿无法行走而靠在龙骨脊(keel)上带来的结果成功地传播需要近距离接触,支原体(mycoplasmosis)很容易成为鸟舍中的一个问题.

3. 红印色:Joining stencil mark 搭头印(手工印花疵点) | Keel 红印色 | Marking off 搭色

keel 词典解释

1. (船的)龙骨
    The keel of a boat is the long, specially shaped piece of wood or steel along the bottom of it.


2. 平稳进行;顺顺当当
    If you say that someone or something is on an even keel, you mean that they are working or progressing smoothly and steadily, without any sudden changes.


    e.g. Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.

相关词组:keel over

keel 单语例句


1. The fish is officially banned for fear that diners may keel over after the meal because of careless cooks.

2. " That helps keep the relationship on an even keel, " Lieberthal says.

3. Reuters said the meeting itself was " a sign the countries are trying to keep relations on an even keel despite tensions ".

4. Fearing he might actually keel over from the effort, we hurriedly dug out our money and bought the cans.

5. China has made clear that ensuring the economy remains on a more even keel this year is crucial.

6. China has been seeking to rein in credit and investment in order to keep the economy on an even keel.

7. But Jiang hinted on Thursday that Japan was not doing its part to keep relations on an even keel.

8. I genuinely believe there's four teams who can compete for the two places on an even keel.

9. Jasmine Keel is the managing director of INSPIRED, a coaching organization in the field of Life & Career Transition.

10. The People's Bank of China said the move was meant to keep the economy on an even keel.


keel 英英释义



1. one of the main longitudinal beams (or plates) of the hull of a vessel
    can extend vertically into the water to provide lateral stability

2. the median ridge on the breastbone of birds that fly

3. a projection or ridge that suggests a keel


1. walk as if unable to control one's movements

    e.g. The drunken man staggered into the room

    Synonym: staggerreellurchswagcareen

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