
kerbs是什么意思 kerbs在线翻译 kerbs什么意思 kerbs的意思 kerbs的翻译 kerbs的解释 kerbs的发音 kerbs的同义词 kerbs的反义词 kerbs的例句

kerbs ['kɜ:bz]  ['kɜ:bz] 


kerbs 基本解释


限制;克雷布斯;侧石( kerb的名词复数 );边石;克制;

kerbs 双语例句

1. MethodsThe isotonic contraction of the thoracic aorta strips in rabbits was recorded, and the effects of AVE on the concentrationresponse curves of noradrenalin, high potassium was observed. The procedure of freeCa2 kerbs and Ca2 addition were designed to indirectly observe the effects of AVE on intracellular free Ca2 stimulated by NE.

2. As I said, it`s one corner with two kerbs.

3. kerbs是什么意思

3. Commuters will be forced to drive on already crowded roads or walk to a distant bus or train—this in the depths of winter, with pavements icy and kerbs surrounded by lakes of frigid slush.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. What is more, having worked these physically demanding shifts, which involved pouring concrete, laying kerbs and clearing drains, the boss now has a better informed view of the job.

5. K59 +600 end of the design elevation of 341.0 m, the main route through the mountain-Hill, roadbed width of 21.5 meters, of which lane width 4 × 3.75m, the kerbs with 2 × 0.5m, hard road for 2 × 1.5m Shoulder Width, Soil Shoulder Width 2 × 0.75 m, Medium Divider is set to 1 m, cross the road and the hard shoulder slope gradient of 2.0 percent, Wang soil shoulder slope gradient of 3.0%.
    终点K59+600的设计标高341.0m,该路线主要经过山岭重丘区,路基宽度为21.5米,其中行车道宽4×3.75m ,路缘带2×0.5m ,硬路肩宽为2×1.5m ,土路肩宽2×0.75 m,中央分隔带设为1m,路面和硬路肩横坡坡度为2.0%、土路肩横坡坡度为3.0%。

6. My accident in the morning was caused by a combination of riding the kerbs and aquaplaning.

7. MS: Basically, the change of one chicane and therefore two kerbs was known to all of us who wanted to listen.

8. kerbs的翻译

8. Kerbs and the others used the metallic implants to investigate the effects of RME to perfect the cephalometric method.

9. Methods Isolated rat aortic mucle rings were used to perfuse in chambers containing chemicals tested in Kerbs buffer and the ring tensions were recorded.

10. kerbs什么意思

10. Parents screaming at their children to get out of the way of speeding vehicles, cars parked all over the kerbs and neighbours barely on nodding terms.

11. The long straights are hard for the engines and the bouncing over the kerbs does not give the easiest time for the cars.

12. The construction of a track and field sports ground requires the most accuracy of the circumferential instalment of track kerbs.

13. kerbs的解释

13. All holes in the base of the chassis have been counter sunk to protect the screws from damage when going over kerbs or when the car bottoms out over bumps.

14. kerbs什么意思

14. As I said, it's one corner with two kerbs.

15. Remove paving, kerbs, services, etc and other item as directed by the engineer.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. We have a mix of slow and fast corners, plus of course you need to attack the kerbs very aggressively-and the car needs to cope with that.

17. New Technique of the Construction of the Steel-Tube Kerbs of Track and Field Sports Ground

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