
kickoff是什么意思 kickoff在线翻译 kickoff什么意思 kickoff的意思 kickoff的翻译 kickoff的解释 kickoff的发音 kickoff的同义词 kickoff的反义词

kickoff ['kɪk'ɔ:f]  ['kɪkˌɔ:f] 

kickoff 基本解释


kickoff 相关例句


1. It started raining right after the kickoff of the soccer game.

2. We had a project kickoff meeting this morning.

kickoff 网络解释

1. 开球:<<足球周刊>>多间欧洲杂志社有合作关系,与<<法国足球>>(France football)、西班牙<<足球先生>>(don balon)、南非<<开球>>(Kickoff)有独家版权合作协议,与<<米兰体育报>>(La Gazzetta dello Sport)及Eurosport为海外战略合作伙伴,

2. 启动:想想WMONEY系统的启动(Kickoff)会议距今也三周了,当初所考虑到的可能主要风险与应对措失,如:(1)解析顾客认知的价值(Value)跟负担的价格(Cost)之差,检视附加价值,进而创造附加价值(提升Value或降低Cost或Both).

3. 解雇:kicking strap 兜带 | kickoff 解雇 | kickout 踢出界

4. 分离:kickingtackle 缓冲绞辘缓冲滑车组 | kickoff 分离 | kickofrudder 浪击舵叶

kickoff 单语例句

1. Three Catania fans were injured before kickoff after being stabbed in disturbances, media reported.

2. The Dutchman was booed before kickoff but he struck a defiant chord after the game.

3. LONDON - Manchester United can draw level with champions Chelsea before the Premier League leader even kickoff if it wins away to Sunderland on Saturday.

4. Ancelotti is expected to delay his decision until hours before the kickoff in Athens.

5. For the rest of Spain's football community, the late kickoff was regarded as something of a joke.

6. Fans were ordered to report to their local police stations at kickoff times or hand in their passports.

7. Hyam had her first case of the day well before kickoff after a man heading for the match became claustrophobic on a train.

8. Kerry and Edwards will hit the road together on Friday, leaving Boston by bus after an early morning kickoff rally.

9. It was homegrown hooligans who lashed out about two hours before the late evening kickoff after police confronted them in a central square.

10. Fans threw flowers to the former Roma boss and a minute's silence was impeccably observed but Inter got straight to business after kickoff.

kickoff 英英释义


1. (football) a kick from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score

2. a start given to contestants

    e.g. I was there with my parents at the kickoff

    Synonym: send-offstart-off

3. the time at which something is supposed to begin

    e.g. they got an early start
           she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her

    Synonym: beginningcommencementfirstoutsetget-gostartstarting timeshowtimeoffset

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