
kinship是什么意思 kinship在线翻译 kinship什么意思 kinship的意思 kinship的翻译 kinship的解释 kinship的发音 kinship的同义词 kinship的反义词

kinship [ˈkɪnʃɪp]  [ˈkɪnˌʃɪp] 

kinship 基本解释

名词亲属关系; (因起源或态度相似而产生的)亲切感

kinship 相关例句


1. kinship是什么意思

1. I feel a strong kinship with him.

kinship 网络解释

1. 亲情:实际上,人们在分歧发生的同时往往忘记了本来存在的亲情(kinship)或友情,在随意伤害和积极交流之间,人们容易选择前者(the former). 差异可能永远存在,然而情(care)和爱却不能就此丢弃. 当亲情(tie of kinship)将人们拉近的同时,差异便开始渐渐远去......

2. 亲族:社区空间和社会组织的布局,有的是以亲族(kinship) 为轴心,有的是以地域( territoriality)关系为轴心,有的是以行业为轴心,有的是以行政空间为依据. 把汉人社区分为都市社区和农村社区,我们可以发现,都市社区受行业和行政空间的制约较大,

3. kinship

3. 亲属关系:在巴尔干各国,民族认同依据3 个要素:亲属关系(kinship)、语言和宗教. 然而,它们并非是很均匀、 很单纯地联系在一起的. 一般说来,民族身份只是一些标签,如塞尔维亚人、克罗地亚人、穆斯林等等,在发生内战的情况下尤其如此. 譬如,

4. 家族:Hymes明确将家族(Kinship)作为他的研究的基本单位. 这样,在他看来,Kracke的以家庭为单位的研究无法说明宋代社会流动的情况,而他的研究则说明,没有一个直接的证据可以看出那些来自于没有财富或影响力,

kinship 词典解释

1. 亲属关系
    Kinship is the relationship between members of the same family.

    e.g. The ties of kinship may have helped the young man find his way in life.
    e.g. ...her kinship to the English King.

2. (因背景、感觉或想法相似而产生的)亲切感
    If you feel kinship with someone, you feel close to them, because you have a similar background or similar feelings or ideas.

    e.g. She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman.
    e.g. ...the warmth and kinship one farmer feels for another.

kinship 单语例句

1. It is a symbol of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, and the kinship in between.

2. It is natural that one should feel kinship to one's motherland.

3. Reading is my own passion, so I felt even more kinship.

4. The relationship of kinship between you and your parents determines that you are not threatened by their wanting to educate you.

5. Although publishing practices are very different, the cultural kinship makes such communication very easy.

6. Coins and wheat in the dumpling stand for good fortune, and bones symbolize kinship.

7. Almost all the villages in the Nanxi River were built based on kinship, which means villagers belonged to the same clan.

8. If my impression is right, the kinship in Chinese families is closer than their counterparts in the West.

9. The marriage was deemed invalid because the two are related to the third degree of kinship.

10. " Even the mountains and seas can't separate the kinship between mainland and Taiwan " Wu said emotionally.

kinship 英英释义


1. a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character

    e.g. found a natural affinity with the immigrants
           felt a deep kinship with the other students
           anthropology's kinship with the humanities

    Synonym: affinity

2. (anthropology) relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption

    Synonym: family relationshiprelationship

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