
knight是什么意思 knight在线翻译 knight什么意思 knight的意思 knight的翻译 knight的解释 knight的发音 knight的同义词 knight的反义词 knight的例句

knight [naɪt]  [naɪt] 


knight 基本解释

名词骑士; 爵士; (中古时代的)武士; (国际象棋中)马


knight 相关例句


1. The king knighted the soldier for his valor.

2. He was knighted for his war services.

knight 网络解释

1. 耐特:鲍尔曼(bill bowerman )和菲尔.耐特(Knight)是耐克的创始人,1962年,两人各出资500美元共同成立公司,并承诺要为运动员提供最具专业和更好的运动鞋. 这个新的公司就是蓝带体育公司. 当时是以代理商的身份代理日本虎牌运动鞋,

knight 词典解释

1. (中世纪的)骑士
    In medieval times, a knight was a man of noble birth, who served his king or lord in battle.

2. 封…为爵士
    If someone is knighted, they are given a knighthood.


    e.g. He was knighted in the Queen's birthday honours list in June 1988.

3. 爵士
    A knight is a man who has been knighted.

4. (国际象棋中的)马
    In chess, a knight is a piece which is shaped like a horse's head.

5. 救人于危难之中的勇士
    If you refer to someone as a knight in shining armour, you mean that they are kind and brave, and likely to rescue you from a difficult situation.

    e.g. Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor.

knight 单语例句

1. Similar to the Knight in Western chess, the horse can be blocked by an intervening piece.

2. Warner Bros has scaled back promotions for The Dark Knight Rises, canceling a Paris premiere and calling off appearances by the cast in Mexico and Japan.

3. Knight hit two key baskets to help Charlotte maintain its slim lead and Wallace stuffed James'attempt inside with 42 seconds to play.

4. But the'Dark Knight Rises'star insists she would " crawl over broken glass " if she thought it would be good for a role.

5. After getting over the initial shock of her new look, the'Dark Knight Rises'actress admits she now " quite likes " having short hair.

6. Could the big winner on Election Day be " Knight Rider "?

7. The'Dark Knight'actor has been recognised for his love of sharp suits in a new style list by men's magazine Esquire.

8. " Superman Returns " even features a sequence involving two aircraft much like White Knight Two and Space Ship Two.

9. Knight and a small number of Bugatti enthusiasts knew of Carr's proudest possession, but not the eight relatives who inherited Carr's estate.

10. The " In the Mood for Love " director was named a knight of the Legion of Honor at the Cannes Film Festival.

knight 英英释义


1. a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse
    can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)

    Synonym: horse

2. originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry
    today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit


1. raise (someone) to knighthood

    e.g. The Beatles were knighted

    Synonym: dub

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