
knockout是什么意思 knockout在线翻译 knockout什么意思 knockout的意思 knockout的翻译 knockout的解释 knockout的发音 knockout的同义词

knockout [ˈnɒkaʊt]  [ˈnɑ:kaʊt] 


knockout 基本解释

名词淘汰赛; 击昏,击倒; 绝代佳人; <俚>轰动一时的东西

形容词击倒的,打倒的; 引人注目的; 使昏迷的; 迷人的

knockout 相关例句


1. His new girlfriend is a real knockout.

2. knockout

2. The fight was won by a knockout.

knockout 网络解释

1. 敲出:于是他们提出了一系列由上述数据所不能说明的问题,例如:基因表达的产物是否出现与何时出现,基因表达产物的浓度是多少;是否存在翻译后的修饰过程,若存在是如何修饰的;基因敲出(knockout)或基因过度表达的影响是什么;多基因的表现型如何,

knockout 词典解释

1. (拳击比赛中)击倒对手获胜
    In boxing, a knockout is a situation in which a boxer wins the fight by making his opponent fall to the ground and be unable to stand up before the referee has counted to ten.


2. 毁灭性的
    A knockout blow is an action or event that completely defeats an opponent.

    e.g. He delivered a knockout blow to all of his rivals.

3. (比赛)淘汰制的
    A knockout competition is one in which the players or teams that win continue playing until there is only one winner left.


    e.g. ...the European Cup, a knockout competition between the top teams in Europe.

in AM, use 美国英语用 elimination

4. 迷人(或给人深刻印象)的人(或物)
    If you describe someone or something as a knockout, you think that they are extremely attractive or impressive.

    e.g. She was a knockout in navy and scarlet...
    e.g. The first story is a knockout.

knockout 单语例句

1. But if a player receives one yellow card in the group phase, it will not be carried over to the knockout phase.

2. You have really enjoyed the Spring break because you know how to party and have been using that knockout charm to full effect.

3. Calls to revive Chinese soccer hit a high after the ROK and Japan advanced to the knockout stage in South Africa in succession.

4. The 24 teams at the men's tournament were drawn into four groups of six, with the top four from each advancing to the knockout round.

5. This was the first time Japan had reached the knockout stage of a World Cup on foreign soil.

6. The move came even though the club leads the domestic competition, and advanced to the knockout round of the AFC Champions League three days ago.

7. He then points to caucuses in Michigan next Saturday to score a knockout against the floundering Dean campaign.

8. But Roberto Mancini's men have flattered to deceive again in the Champions League, having been dumped out by Valencia in last season's first knockout round.

9. The stewed pigeon eggs immersed in chicken broth and dotted with black and white fungus was a knockout.

10. France coach Raymond Domenech was downbeat after the loss which leaves his side with very little hope of making the knockout stages.

knockout 英英释义


1. a blow that renders the opponent unconscious

    Synonym: KOkayo

2. a very attractive or seductive looking woman

    Synonym: smasherstunnerbeautyravishersweetheartpeachlululookermantrapdish


1. very strong or vigorous

    e.g. strong winds
           a hard left to the chin
           a knockout punch
           a severe blow

    Synonym: hardsevere

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