
label是什么意思 label在线翻译 label什么意思 label的意思 label的翻译 label的解释 label的发音 label的同义词 label的反义词 label的例句

label [ˈleɪbl]  [ˈleɪbl] 


label 基本解释

名词标签; 称标记,符号; [建] 门或窗户上面的线脚

及物动词贴标签于; 把…称为; 把…列为; [化]用放射性元素使(元素或原子等)示踪

label 相关例句


1. We labelled the box before we sent it by train.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The boy was labeled a troublemaker.


1. All the sale items had special labels.

2. Attractive label is very necessary.

label 网络解释

1. 商 标:把胶使用在商标(Label)上,再把商标使用在瓶子上,一个假冒伪劣产品就这么诞生了. 在雕塑(monolith)使用钥匙会听到一声响,现在你可以安全的移动棺材了拿到Dergham's red sacred key.前台(front desk)- 检查护士旁边的铁格子门(grill door)看看是否能过去,

2. 标号:在IL中,标号(label)是一个末尾带有冒号(即:)的名称. 它使我们能够从代码的一部分无条件地跳转到另一部分. 我们经常在由反编译器生成的IL代码中看到这个标号. 例如:

label 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 labeling, labeled

1. 标签;签条;标贴
    A label is a piece of paper or plastic that is attached to an object in order to give information about it.


    e.g. He peered at the label on the bottle.

2. 贴标签于;用标签标明
    If something is labelled, a label is attached to it giving information about it.

    e.g. The stuff has never been properly logged and labelled...
    e.g. Meat labelled 'Scotch Beef' sells for a premium in supermarkets...
           带有“Scotch Beef(苏格兰牛肉)”标志的牛肉在超市里售价不菲。

3. (不公平地)把…称为,把…列为
    If you say that someone or something is labelled as a particular thing, you mean that people generally describe them that way and you think that this is unfair.

    e.g. Too often the press are labelled as bad boys...
    e.g. Certain estates are labelled as undesirable...

4. (批评性的)标签,称号
    If you say that someone gets a particular label, you mean that people show disapproval of them by describing them with a critical word or phrase.

    e.g. Her treatment of her husband earned her the label of the most hated woman in America.

5. 唱片公司
    You can refer to a company that produces and sells CDs as a particular label .

    e.g. She landed a contract with record label EMI...
    e.g. It was on the Virgin label.

label 单语例句

1. George Michael has been warned he will be sacked by his record label unless he curbs his wild behaviour.

2. The return of profit momentum doesn't necessarily mean a revival in the label's cachet.

3. Opponents of the California plan argued that food would cost more if manufacturers were required to label foods that have genetically modified organisms.

4. Both servicemen wore camouflage fatigues with a Royal Navy label on their chests and a little British flag stitched to their left sleeves.

5. She is canned and loses her apartment, he scores a gig with a record label and is handed a swanky penthouse.

6. The Hollywood actress recently designed a poncho and travel bag for Italian label Fendi for a charity auction held at the Cannes Film Festival.

7. Pierre Cardin was the first foreign label to enter China, while Septwolves was one of the first local fashion labels to stand out.

8. The administration has also ordered companies to carefully label their products with warnings to athletes about any substances on the doping list.

9. Compliance with each is required for a garment to carry the " low fire danger " label as set out in the safety standards.

10. Metro Cash and Carry is aiming to ramp up private label offerings by 20 percent in less than five years.


label 英英释义



1. trade name of a company that produces musical recordings

    e.g. the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent

    Synonym: recording label

2. a brief description given for purposes of identification

    e.g. the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture

3. an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object

4. a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction


1. distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions

2. distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom

3. pronounce judgment on

    e.g. They labeled him unfit to work here

    Synonym: pronouncejudge

4. assign a label to
    designate with a label

    e.g. These students were labelled `learning disabled'

5. attach a tag or label to

    e.g. label these bottles

    Synonym: tagmark

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