
lacquer是什么意思 lacquer在线翻译 lacquer什么意思 lacquer的意思 lacquer的翻译 lacquer的解释 lacquer的发音 lacquer的同义词 lacquer的反义词

lacquer [ˈlækə(r)]  [ˈlækɚ] 


lacquer 基本解释

名词漆器; 漆,天然漆

及物动词涂漆于; 使…表面或外观光滑

lacquer 相关例句


1. The leaves of the laurels were lacquered where the sunlight found them.

2. He has planned to lacquer the old table.


1. About ten days before the marriage, a peculiar ornament made of jade, or red lacquer, was sent to the home of the bride.

2. I was surrounded by sky-blue silk and polished lacquer.

lacquer 网络解释

1. 漆:很薄的一层铝(有些限量版上甚至使用金子)覆盖在上面,使其能够进行反射,最后还在外面加上一个漆(lacquer)层. 这个漆层通常直接的印到盘片上,常见的方式是丝网印刷或者平版印刷. CD上的数据通常是由一系列微小的凹槽(pit)组成,

2. 腊克:5.凡应做油漆之处除特别指明外,均做一底二度,露面铁件在一度防锈漆之外加二度面漆或二底二度,腊克(Lacquer)均做一底二度加光漆一度. 5.凡应做油漆之处除特别指明外,均做一底二度,露面铁件在一度防锈漆之外加二度面漆或二底二度,

3. lacquer

3. 漆器:十七世纪欧洲海权盛期,由东印度公司(the East India Companies)货轮上卸下的瓷器(Porcelain)、漆器(lacquer)以及丝绸(silk),这些来自东方的丰饶物产,强化了西方的想像投射.

lacquer 词典解释

1. (涂在木材或金属上的)漆
    Lacquer is a special liquid which is painted on wood or metal in order to protect it and to make it shiny.

    e.g. We put on the second coating of lacquer...
    e.g. Only the finest lacquers are used for finishes.

2. 喷发定型剂;发胶
    Lacquer is a clear sticky liquid that you spray on your hair in order to hold it in place.


in AM, use 美国英语用 hairspray

lacquer 单语例句

1. His technique involves softening the gum with a blowtorch, spraying it with lacquer then applying three coats of acrylic enamel.

2. He has also attained international renown for his studies on lacquer ware and ancient music, and his scholarly pursuits included training a hawk to catch hares.

3. His company now has 50 offices across the country and offers a wide range of traditional Chinese handicrafts ranging from lacquer to embroidery.

4. On both sides of the overlapping pedestrian lanes, there are shops selling traditional Fujian lacquer handicrafts and Chinese paintings.

5. A high quality lacquer painting normally undergoes several instances of polishing in water before being coloured.

6. The younger generation of artists no longer limit their creations only to the raw lacquer and conventional colours.

7. It displays a collection of over a thousand pieces of lacquer wares since Qing Dynasty and contemporary fine paintings by lacquer masters of different generations.

8. Raw lacquer was toxic and could kill or deform those who worked with it if they were not careful.

9. Then Zhu found a furniture factory that produced a special lacquer coating on wood.

10. One of the areas of production where Pingyao shines is its polished lacquer furniture.

lacquer 英英释义


1. a hard glossy coating

2. a black resinous substance obtained from certain trees and used as a natural varnish


1. coat with lacquer

    e.g. A lacquered box from China

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