
lag是什么意思 lag在线翻译 lag什么意思 lag的意思 lag的翻译 lag的解释 lag的发音 lag的同义词 lag的反义词 lag的例句 lag的相关词组

lag [læg]  [læɡ] 


lag 基本解释


及物动词落后于; 给…加上外套; 把…关进牢里; 逮捕

名词滞后,(两事件之间的)时间间隔; 囚犯; 防护套; 桶板


lag 相关例句


1. The child lags his peers in intellectual development.


1. danci.911cha.com

1. Some of the runners in the race began to lag.

2. Production lagged and unemployment rose.

3. The children were tired and lagged behind their parents.


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us.

lag 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 滞后:开始-开始(SS),完成-完成(FF),滞后(Lag),提前(Leading)项目特点:多目标性(时间、成本、技术性能),优先性(不同时间有不同的目标追求),层次性(目标由抽象到具体,各个层次都要不同的目标),战略目标(mission),具体目标(goals$Objective),

2. 延迟:模式: 昏暗风景 EV值: -2.0(此时ISO:100,曝光时间:2s) 延迟(LAG)会很严重,请放在固定地点拍摄~ 试试看吧~

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 落后:背信--理由(reason)前加t(踢)联想:老俞设想(conceive)一个计划阴谋,然后我们察觉(perceive)了,于是他就收到(receive)了一堆的花......blame (for) 责怪--不是(b)瘸子(lame)的错,应该怪瞎子助记:落后(lag)的旗帜(flag),

4. 拉格:25年前,在比利时就有很多家城市客车与旅游客车制造商,如范胡尔(Van Hool)、乔治(Jonck-heere)、邓勒富-戴普尔(Denolf& Depla)、斯迪文(Stoelen)、鹰(Eagle)、拉格(LAG)等;在荷兰,同样也有十多家小型的客车制造商,

5. lag:lubricate analgesic glue; 润滑止痛胶

6. lag的意思

6. lag:left adrenal gland; 左肾上腺

lag 词典解释

1. 落后;赶不上
    If one thing or person lags behind another thing or person, their progress is slower than that of the other.


    e.g. Britain still lags behind most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to have babies...
    e.g. The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind...

2. 间隔;间歇;时间差
    A time lag or a lag of a particular length of time is a period of time between one event and another related event.

    e.g. There's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS...
    e.g. Price rises have matched rises in the money supply with a lag of two or three months.

3. 给(屋顶、水管或水箱)装绝热层
    If you lag the inside of a roof, a pipe, or a water tank, you cover it with a special material in order to prevent heat escaping from it or to prevent it from freezing.

    e.g. If you have to take the floorboards up, take the opportunity to lag any pipes at the same time...
    e.g. Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated.

lag 单语例句

1. If you are familiar with academic papers, you will notice that the Chinese scholars'citation rankings lag behind their publication rate.

2. The economies of coastal regions are approaching the level of developed countries, but inland provinces lag behind by at least 10 or 20 years.

3. " Chinese commercial banks lag far behind their international counterparts in terms of financial innovation, " Tang said.

4. He said the telecoms sector is fast advancing to the big data era globally and Nigeria should not lag behind in the advancement.

5. Some parents employed tutors to teach their children, which left those who couldn't afford the extra fees worried their children would lag classmates.

6. Studies found China usually follows the United States in economic growth trend, with half a year in time lag.

7. Any negative effect on consumer confidence that might develop as a result of the property crackdown will come with a time lag.

8. Given an understandable time lag caused by the implementation of WTO rules, the impact of the entry began to surface this year.

9. The minister said the lag of research on national food standards and the country's fledgling risk evaluation system hindered the mapping of national food standards.

10. Yu said among all the parameters, standards on liquidity are where banks lag farthest behind.

lag 英英释义



1. the act of slowing down or falling behind

    Synonym: slowdownretardation

2. one of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket

    Synonym: stave

3. the time between one event, process, or period and another

    e.g. meanwhile the socialists are running the government

    Synonym: interimmeantimemeanwhile


1. cover with lagging to prevent heat loss

    e.g. lag pipes

2. throw or pitch at a mark, as with coins

3. hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.

    Synonym: dawdlefall backfall behind

4. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

    e.g. The suspects were imprisoned without trial
           the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

    Synonym: imprisonincarcerateimmureput behind barsjailjuggaolput awayremand

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