
lam是什么意思 lam在线翻译 lam什么意思 lam的意思 lam的翻译 lam的解释 lam的发音 lam的同义词 lam的反义词 lam的例句 lam的相关词组

lam [læm]  [læm] 


lam 基本解释



lam 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 林:潜水艇兄: 您在科林(Lam)啊? 生意好吗?Shalock兄: 我不在科林(Lam) 我在维修Lam 2080 TCU 及制造相容TCU. 因为常常看到这个标志所以试图时用用看. 其他厂牌我也维修制造如ASML 生意比较好,以前不用Made in Taiwan 及没空试机,

2. lam什么意思

2. 左房粘液瘤:左房粘液瘤(LAM)是心脏最常见的良性肿瘤,约占心脏粘液瘤的75%. 女性好发,男女之比为1:3 . 通常是呈团块状或息肉样葡萄串状的半透明胶冻状物,质脆易碎,多数附着于卵圆窝附近. LAM质脆易脱落引起体循环的栓塞,

3. lam:limited area model; 有限域模式

4. lam:lamivudine; 拉米夫定

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. lam:lactational amenonorrhoea method; 哺乳期闭经避孕法

6. lam:lamellae; 层状

lam 词典解释

1. (为逃避警方或敌人追捕)在逃,逃匿
    If someone is on the lam or if they go on the lam, they are trying to escape or hide from someone such as the police or an enemy.

    e.g. He was on the lam for seven years.

lam 单语例句

1. Lam said the bank hopes to focus on developing its loan business in southern China, while its main operations in the north will be taking in deposits.

2. Hong Kong businessman Peter Lam used to run a toy factory in Dongguan, an important industrial city in neighboring Guangdong province that is a foreign capital magnet.

3. Justice Lam received a threatening letter, signed by " Chan Chun Chuen " last month.

4. Market demand for intellectual property rights services is becoming more active, said Lam.

5. Zou's woes were partly alleviated when Ophthalmologist Dennis Lam Shun Chiu from Hong Kong performed a cataract operation on her last Friday.

6. Lam briefed the Legislative Council Panel on Development on Thursday about the strategy of " categorization and prioritization for progressive law enforcement ".

7. The CE has thus encouraged his supporters to speak out and Lam stressed that people who hold opposite views should stay rational in expressing themselves.

8. A schizophrenic man who pummeled his wife with a dumbbell after a quarrel, was sentenced to six months of psychiatric treatment in Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre on Tuesday.

9. Lam added he is happy to take up the chairmanship and was not accepting the position because no one else wanted it.

10. In 1953, the name of the business was change to Fook Lam Moon.

lam 英英释义



1. a rapid escape (as by criminals)

    e.g. the thieves made a clean getaway
           after the expose he had to take it on the lam

    Synonym: getaway



1. give a thrashing to
    beat hard

    Synonym: thrashthreshflail

2. flee
    take to one's heels
    cut and run

    e.g. If you see this man, run!
           The burglars escaped before the police showed up

    Synonym: scatrunscarperturn tailrun awayhightail itbunkhead for the hillstake to the woodsescapefly the coopbreak away

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