
languorous是什么意思 languorous在线翻译 languorous什么意思 languorous的意思 languorous的翻译 languorous的解释 languorous的发音 languorous的同义词

languorous ['læŋɡərəs]  ['læŋɡərəs] 

languorous 基本解释



languorous 网络解释

1. 怠惰的:languor 怠惰 | languorous 怠惰的 | languorously 疲倦地

2. 懒散的,倦怠的:GRE词汇指导:填空常用的单词集合之L字母 | languorous:懒散的,倦怠的 | lantitude: n.1.纬度 2.回旋余地,自由

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 倦怠的; 令人倦怠的 (形):languor 怠惰, 无气力, 疲倦 (名) | languorous 倦怠的; 令人倦怠的 (形) | languorously 倦怠地 (副)

languorous 双语例句

1. Tigers, like this female in India`s Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting.

2. languorous什么意思

2. Keywords: sarcastic poem languorous poem sentimental poem Miscellaneous Poems
    h f:a。l; b1 D' O 关键词:讽喻诗、闲适诗、感伤诗、杂律诗

3. danci.911cha.com

3. In November, I wanted to vomit for many times in metro after getting off work. One night, at around 11 o'clock I felt being affected by a kind of poison or toxin. I felt nauseaous, and vomited seriously with violent abdominal pain, vomiting and frequent diarrhea, and the stool appeared like rice soup, and I was extremely languorous, with arrhythmia and vertigo.

4. Years age it was a day of breezy March when the murmur if the spring was languorous, and mango

5. The atmosphere beneath is languorous, and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.

6. languorous的解释

6. It entered into them, dreamy and languorous, weakening the fibres of resolution, suffusing the face of morality, or of judgment, with haze and purple mist.

7. enhancing, occupation of file handling crew are languorous with circadian rhythm being accelerated and actuating pressure already become the assignable occupational disease.

8. A lackadaisical attempt; a languid mood; a languid wave of the hand; a hot languorous afternoon.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. The perfect, languorous, endless hot summer that we all dream of.

10. Helen's languorous waves of the hand.

11. Years age it was a day of breezy March when the murmur if the spring was languorous, and mango blossoms were dropping on the dust.

12. Objective By inquiring into analysis to the druggists of the herbal pharmacies and the non-herbal pharmacies in hospital, the reason of the languorous is easy to understand in the herbal pharmacies.

13. Some extraordinarily so real, Parallel Sound Pentasyllabic Regulated Verse and the lengthy wine cup-impact, the college Erotic Temptress Moon, who is also a time to follow. Keywords: sarcastic poem languorous poem sentimental poem Miscellaneous Poems
      另有一些铺陈故实、排比声律的长篇排律和杯光酒影、艳情风月的小诗,也颇为时人效仿。2 l:u G4 _8 2 k# J

14. He unwittingly refers to Libyans as " they " and says his American-style rapid multitasking is a sharp contrast to Libyans'languorous discussions.

15. He unwittingly refers to Libyans as " they " and says his American-style rapid multitasking is a sharp contrast to Libyans'languorous discussions.

16. You looks very languorous, so you need rest.

17. He had very languorous eyes.

18. For two days he was languorous and esteemed.

19. It was disconcerting weather, people yawned long and lazily, feeling languorous and happy at the same time.

20. We hear languorous laughter, moans of satisfaction.

languorous 词典解释

1. 懒洋洋的;慢悠悠的
    If you describe an activity as languorous, you mean that it is lazy, relaxed, and not energetic, usually in a pleasant way.


    e.g. ...languorous morning coffees on the terrace.

languorous 单语例句


1. Give in to the languorous pace and understated the charm of Pingle.

languorous 英英释义


1. lacking spirit or liveliness

    e.g. a lackadaisical attempt
           a languid mood
           a languid wave of the hand
           a hot languorous afternoon

    Synonym: dreamylackadaisicallanguid

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