
lawless是什么意思 lawless在线翻译 lawless什么意思 lawless的意思 lawless的翻译 lawless的解释 lawless的发音 lawless的同义词 lawless的反义词

lawless [ˈlɔ:ləs]  [ˈlɔlɪs] 

lawless 基本解释

形容词无法无天的; 违法的; 法律不及的; 无艺

lawless 相关例句


1. His lawless hair was caught in a net.

lawless 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 没有法律依据的:美国联邦法官 federal judge | 没有法律依据的 lawless | 没有判决先例的案件 case of first impression

2. 无法可依的:lawful 有法可依的 | lawless 无法可依的 | according to: 依据,根据

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 非法的:lawful 合法的 | lawless 非法的 | lawn 草地

lawless 词典解释

1. (尤指疯狂暴力的行为)违法的,非法的,不法的
    Lawless actions break the law, especially in a wild and violent way.

    e.g. The government recognised there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour.

Lawlessness is a major problem.

2. (某一地方或时期)目无法纪的,法网不及的
    A lawless place or time is one where people do not respect the law.


    e.g. ...lawless inner-city streets plagued by muggings, thefts, assaults and even murder.
    e.g. ...people struggling to restore moral values in an increasingly lawless and godless age.

lawless 单语例句

1. There is no point to continue forking out taxpayers'money if such lawless acts go on and on in the city's solemn legislative chamber.

2. Lawless and lovely at the same time, the character is like a female Monkey King.

3. The failed state has not had a functioning government for a generation and its lawless coastline provides a perfect pirate haven.

4. " He is the best comic actor I've ever seen, " Lawless says.

5. Afghanistan remains a largely lawless country in the grip of warlord militias, despite the presence of thousands of American troops and other foreign soldiers under NATO command.

6. Relief experts say any new war in Congo would deepen an existing humanitarian disaster in the country's lawless east.

7. Washington is pressuring Pakistan to root out militants in lawless tribal areas who cross the border to attack Western forces in Afghanistan.

8. Somalia's long lawless coastline snakes around the Horn of Africa and provides the perfect base for pirate dens.

9. Gedi warned remnants of an ousted Islamic movement have returned to towns and cities and were planning to try to further destabilize the lawless country.

10. New Orleans'top emergency management official called that effort a " national disgrace " and questioned when reinforcements would actually reach the increasingly lawless city.

lawless 英英释义


1. without law or control

    e.g. the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic

    Synonym: anarchicanarchical

2. disobedient to or defiant of law

    e.g. lawless bands roaming the plains

    Synonym: outlaw(a)

3. lax in enforcing laws

    e.g. a wide-open town

    Synonym: wide-open

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