
lead to是什么意思 lead to在线翻译 lead to什么意思 lead to的意思 lead to的翻译 lead to的解释 lead to的发音 lead to的同义词 lead to的反义词

lead to [li:d tu:]  [lid tu] 

lead to 基本解释

导致; 把…带到; 领到; (道路)通向

lead to 情景对话

A leap in the dark-(冒险举动)

A:Are you sure you can make profits out of the investment?

B:I am not sure. It's only a leap in the dark.

A:And it's the only chance for you to lead your company out of difficulties, isn't it?

B:Yeah. So I have to have a try.


A:Good morning, Mr. Smith. I brought the contract you are been looking for.Please go over the draft of the contract.

B:OK. Sit down, please. What would you like, Chinese tea or coffee?

A:Thank you. I'd very much like to have a cup of Chinese tea.


B:Here you are.


B:Yes. I have one question about clause 8.Are these the terms that we agreed on?

A:OK. Let's have a look at it.

B:10 percent down and the balance at the time of shipment?That's what I mean.

A:Yes, I think that's what we stipulated.

B:I'll need a few minutes to check over my notes again.



lead to在线翻译

B:Yes, it is right.

A:Good. Can we sign them right away?

lead to

B:Of course.S Hand me the pen.

A:Here you are.

lead to的翻译

B:Where shall I put my signature?

A:Here, on the last page.We'll sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language.Both are equally effective.

B:OK. Is that all?

A:No. Will you also initial this change on page 2, please?


B:I'm glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.

A:I hope this will lead to further business between us.

B:All we have to do now is shake hands.

A:OK, and go out and have a drink to congratulate ourselves.


B:That's a great idea.

lead to 网络解释

1. 导致:尝试对相同的Directory打开另一个IndexWriter将会导致(lead to)一个LockObtainFailedException异常. 如果一个建立在相同的Directory的IndexReader对象被用来从这条索引中删除文档的时候,这个异常也会被抛出.

2. 通向;导致,引起:lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用 | lead to 通向,导致;引起 | lead up to 把...一直带领到;导致

3. 通向:不久以后 shortly afterwards | 通向 lead to | 抓牢 hold on to

lead to 单语例句

1. The business sector worries that universal suffrage will lead to welfarism and populism, while the professional sector worries that they may lose their representation in LegCo.

2. Kuang's pencil drawings tend to lead you into a world of hutong filled with hustle and bustle.

3. Hamilton's teammate Jenson Button finished second ahead of Alonso, whose championship lead was cut from 37 to 29 points with six races to go.

4. Others buy gold out of fear the money created as the US props up its banking system will lead to inflation.

5. The foreign exchange reforms will lead to the establishment of a voluntary system of selling and buying foreign exchange.

6. Unreasonably low salaries seriously limit the buying power of the grassroots population, make jobs unattractive to the younger generation and lead to higher unemployment among youth.

7. Tracy McGrady scored 32 to lead Houston, but missed a jumper at the buzzer that would have won it.

8. The defects are mainly caused by design problems that may lead to friction between the fuel pipe and gear shift.

9. Justice by mob rule will not lead to more fairness and lawfulness.

10. European cars continue to lead the Chinese auto market by winning the biggest market share and the strongest purchase intention.

lead to是什么意思,lead to在线翻译,lead to什么意思,lead to的意思,lead to的翻译,lead to的解释,lead to的发音,lead to的同义词,lead to的反义词,lead to的例句,lead to的相关词组,lead to意思是什么,lead to怎么翻译,单词lead to是什么意思
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