
length是什么意思 length在线翻译 length什么意思 length的意思 length的翻译 length的解释 length的发音 length的同义词 length的反义词 length的例句

length [leŋθ]  [leŋθ] 


length 基本解释

名词长度,长; 时间的长短; (语)音长; 一段,一节

length 同义词

length 反义词

length 相关词组


1. at length : 最后, 详细地;

2. at full length : 极详细地;

3. cannot see beyond the length of one's nose : 鼠目寸光;

4. at arm's length : 疏远, 在手臂伸得到的地方;

length 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The length of the movie is two hours.

2. We walked the length of the street.

3. We need a length of pipe.

4. Mary's dress is not the right length; it is too short.

5. length的翻译

5. The fish is two feet in length.

length 情景对话



A:Do you cut both men’s and women’s hair?


C:Yes, we have various styles, such as hair bobbed and shoulder length hair. How do you want it?

A:I want a haircut and a shave, please.

B:I would like a shampoo and my hair dyed.

C:What shampoo do you prefer? And what color do you prefer?


C:How would you like your hair cut, sir?

A:I want to keep the same fashion.

B:I want my hair dyed black.


C:All right. Will you please sit over here?

length 网络解释

1. 全長:郧阳汉江大桥主跨(Main Span):414米设计单位(Designed by):湖北省交通规划设计院施工单位(Constructed by):四川省桥梁工程公司桥梁类型(Type of the Bridge):斜拉桥、混凝土斜拉桥所在地(Location):湖北、郧县全长(Length):601米中文简介

length 词典解释

1. 长度;距离
    The length of something is the amount that it measures from one end to the other along the longest side.

    e.g. It is about a metre in length.
    e.g. ...the length of the fish...

2. (文章等的)篇幅
    The length of something such as a piece of writing is the amount of writing that is contained in it.

    e.g. ...a book of at least 100 pages in length...
    e.g. The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys.

3. (持续)时间的长短
    The length of an event, activity, or situation is the period of time from beginning to end for which something lasts or during which something happens.

    e.g. The exact length of each period may vary...
    e.g. His film, over two hours in length, is a subtle study of family life.

4. (绳、布、木头等的)一段,一节,一截
    A length of rope, cloth, wood, or other material is a piece of it that is intended to be used for a particular purpose or that exists in a particular situation.

    e.g. ...a 30ft length of rope...
    e.g. You can hang lengths of fabric behind the glass.

5. (与短相对的)长
    The length of something is its quality of being long.


    e.g. Many have been surprised at the length of time it has taken him to make up his mind...
    e.g. I noticed, too, the length of her fingers.

6. (游泳池的)池长
    If you swim a length in a swimming pool, you swim the distance from one end to the other.

    e.g. I swim 40 lengths a day.

7. (赛艇中的)艇位;(赛马中的)马位,马身长度
    In boat racing or horse racing, a length is the distance from the front to the back of the boat or horse. You can talk about one boat or horse being one or more lengths in front of or behind another.

    e.g. Harvard won by four lengths.

8. 全程;全长
    If something happens or exists along the length of something, it happens or exists for the whole way along it.

    e.g. I looked along the length of the building...
    e.g. The inspiration stemming from his travels lasted the length of his career.

9. see also: full-length

10. 终究;终归;最终
    If someone does something at length, they do it after a long period of time.

    e.g. At length my father went into the house.

11. 长久地;详尽地
      If someone does something at length, they do it for a long time or in great detail.

      e.g. They spoke at length, reviewing the entire incident.

12. 不遗余力;竭尽全力;千方百计
      If you say that someone goes to great lengths to achieve something, you mean that they try very hard and perhaps do extreme things in order to achieve it.


      e.g. Greta Garbo went to great lengths to hide from reporters and photographers.

13. at arm's length -> see arm
      the length and breadth of -> see breadth

length 单语例句

1. He said the amount of tax is usually calculated based on the length of time the property is owned and the percentage of profit realized.

2. The housing allowances were calculated based on employees'length of service and position.

3. The Chinese peacekeepers helped Cambodia rebuild four motorways with a total length of 640 kilometers and constructed 47 new bridges in just two years.

4. Some went to the length of camping out in tents erected in front of the nursery while they awaited a response.

5. Within it was a training track of similar length and within this ran a canal which helped drain it.

6. The company " can either increase the length of our operation or increase the capacity, " he said.

7. Four new subway routes went into operation, increasing the length of the capital city's subway to 442 kilometers.

8. The length of time they were held has not been reported but their captivity was ended when Guo fled and raised the alarm.

9. Zhang said the activity will go on for an unknown length of time and they have no plans to charge at the moment.

10. While peeling a carrot into long strips, he compared them to the length of the Silk Road.

length 英英释义


1. a section of something that is long and narrow

    e.g. a length of timber
           a length of tubing

2. continuance in time

    e.g. the ceremony was of short duration
           he complained about the length of time required

    Synonym: duration

3. the linear extent in space from one end to the other
    the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place

    e.g. the length of the table was 5 feet

4. size of the gap between two places

    e.g. the distance from New York to Chicago
           he determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points

    Synonym: distance

5. the property of being the extent of something from beginning to end

    e.g. the editor limited the length of my article to 500 words

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